Well, after being unceremoniously dumped from Google News a few weeks back, it looks like we’re back in! I received an email today passing along the good news. Might take a couple of weeks, but pretty soon we should be searchable through the Google News continuous web-crawl, as well as Google’s less frequent one.
I wonder whether they’re letting all the other blogs back in, or whether my artful appeal (which was basically "hey, we’re not a ‘single individual’ site – there are three of us!") was what did it.
Please share widely!
the-troll says
It was your artful appeal. Others who read this blog will probably think it was because “right” was on your side. But we know better.
michael-dechiara says
Congrats! I was just cruising through Google myself and thinking about your recent post about how one-person blogs got dumped. Boy is that true. I hope its not just the 3-person rationale that did it for our sakes but you deserve kudos on perservance.If you are willing to share – who do we contact to advocate for the small shop bloggers out here?
david says
Michael: I don’t have a contact person at Google. All of my correspondence has been with an address called “source-suggestions@google.com” – that seems to be the address from which these decisions are made.