Outrage down here in New York (where this Massachusetts native finds himself temporarily transplanted) continues to bubble over a piece in the New York Press on 7/20 "Death to the Hog":
ROVE, THE OTHER WHITE MEAT: "I am outraged that Matt Taibbi would dare to equate Karl Rove with a pig. A pig!? How dare you, Mr. Taibbi! The average pig is an intelligent, playful, kindly, loving and docile creature. Comparing that noble animal to someone like Karl Rove is a zoological insult. Rev. Phil Hall, Fairfield, CT.
A selection of commentary on the same issue has been collected by About.com:
"It looks like there may be more people than just Karl Rove involved inthis White House leaking scandal that’s been going on. They are sayinginformation may also have been leaked by the Vice President DickCheney’s top aide — a man named Scooter Libby. Let me tell yousomething right now. That is not a good name to have if you’re going toprison." –Jay Leno
"There are now reports that top White House aide Karl Rove is beinginvestigated for lying to the grand Jury. You know something? Thatsounds like a rich white guy crime — lying to the grand jury. zSB(3,3);if(!z336){var zIsb=gEI(“adsb”);if(zIsb){zIsb.style.display=”inline”;zIsb.style.height=”0px”;zIsb.style.width=”0px”;}var zIss=gEI(“adss”);if(zIss){zIss.style.display=”inline”;zIss.style.height=”0px”;zIss.style.width=”0px”;}}You never see anybody on Cops being charged with that." –Jay Leno
"The president’s top political adviser, Karl Rove, is spending all histime working on Bush’s next Supreme Court nominee. Well sure, that’sbecause this judge could decide if Rove is going to prison or not."–Jay Leno
"Suspicion for the leak was immediately cast on White Houseadviser and long time Bush confident, Karl Rove, known as one of thefew men in Washington with flesh colored hair" –Jon Stewart
Karl Rove is in about the same trouble as a pig in a slaughter house, if Patrick Fitzgerald is the man that I think he is. If so, Karl and Lewis Libby will go down for violations of Title 18, Section 793, 794(a) and (b), amongst other things. Below you will find the GAO letter to Congress which confirms that Fitzgerald has the power of the Attorney General on this manner. Fitzgerald can’t legally be fired, his investigation can’t be defunded and the authority is plenary (look up that term and your eyes will open wide).http://www.gao.gov/decisions/appro/302582.htmThe best and most detailed article on TREASON-GATE that I’ve read (which blew my mind) is:http://citizenspook.blogspot.com/Finally, the link to Karl Rove’s Non Disclosure agreement that restates Section 793, 794 and other laws that he’s in deep, is at:http://contacts.gsa.gov/webforms.nsf/%200/03A78F16A522716785256A69004E23F6/$file/SF312.pdfHappy Reading!