Channel 4 will carry a debate among the four Democratic candidates for the Second Middlesex Senate seat tomorrow (Sunday) morning, bright and early, at 8:35 a.m. This according to today’s Globe, which also has a brief rundown of the candidates’ positions on taxes, health care, and allowing slot machines. Good to see that the Globe is covering the race in the City/Region section instead of the regional weeklies.
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the-troll says
Guess what, no one cares. Family and fewnsupporters wilkl watch other then the same people who watch show every week. Which is very few.Means nothing, unless something outrageous happens
the-troll says
Are there any Callahan or Casey supporters out here that can weigh in on their feelings.Is this blog reaching anyone other then us?Medford mom is a perfect fir for a demographic she described.”we fit the relocated progressive tag a la folks who got Sciortino elected”and she is torn between Mackey and Jehlen. And her friends turned her on to Jehlen early ans she met her. That should be enough. But she hears things. hmmmmmmmmmmmThe mackey drum is beating strong. Will it prevail, or will Jehlen get enough votes to split the progressives and let Callahan win it.hmmmmmmmmm
the-sound-of-one-hand-clapping says
Trying to find a Callahan supporter on-line?.unlikely. Most Callahan supporters will be finding their teeth in the jar next to their bed when they wake up tomorrow morning.
cos says
There are plenty Callahan supporters where I’ve been canvassing, but I didn’t think to mention Blue Mass Group to any of them đŸ™‚
relative-newcomer-to-medford-here-to-stay says
Many of our neighbors have planted large “he helps people” signs in their yard. (He helps people who help him?) These Callahan supporters typically have long time family connections in Medford. Many of them have children in grade school, so they’re not all the geriatric set.The mailing we got today from the Callahan campaign provides about as much insight as I have managed to glean about motives and hopes of his supporters.For your amusement, I’ve reproduced the text on the mailing below:On the outside of the flyer:”WHAT HAS MEDFORD BEEN WAITING 45 YEARS FOR?”On one page with four photographs of Callahan pictured with other men:”Mike being endorsed by: From Top Left; George White, Bill Brady, Angelo Marotto, Mike McGlynn, Ron Vining, Bob Maloney, Chickie McDermott, Jack McGlynn and Paul Cavanaugh””Mike being endorsed by Paul Donato.””Mike being endorsed by Paul Camuso.””Mike being endorsed by Fred Dello Russo.””A STRONG VOICE IN THE STATE SENATE””MIKE IS ONE OF US””Dear Medford Resident:”MIKE is one of us!”Are you wondering why Mayor McGlynn, Representative Donato (the only Medford resident currently serving in the legislature) and a score of other public officials from the ’50’s, 60’s, 70’s, ’80’s, 90’s up to present day are openly endorsing Michael Callahan’s candicacy for state Senate. The answer is simple!”MIKE is one of us!”Michael Callahan established the Medford Consumer Advisory Commission in 1977 to protect families and senior citizens from unscrupulous business practices. He has Chaired this Commission ever since without pay!”MIKE is one of us!”Michael Callahan is one of nine children brought up on a postman’s salary on Saunders Street in the Fulton Heights section of Medford. Our country sent him to Vietnam after his graduation from Medford High School. After his tour of duty he returned to Medford-the community he loves and still calls home- to embark on a career of public service.”MIKE is one of us!”Michael Callahan has helped thousands of Medford residents during his many years of public service. Whether it was working in the state Senate, the Office of Economic Opportunity, the Legislsature’s first Commission on the Handicapped, a community activitist, or neighbor and friend Michael Callahan is known for helping people. [sic]”MIKE is one of us!”Michael Callahan’s well earned reputation for helping people lifted him to victory in the spirited 1998 Governor’s Council race. We could go on and on about Michael Callahan’s accomplishments as a Governor’s Councilor, but the bottom line is there is only one candidate who is one of us. His name is Michael Callahan.”MIKE is one of us!”We are honored to write this letter for our friend Michael J. Callahan. We ask you to help bring the state Senate seat back for Medford for the first time since 1960. Let’s show our Medford Pride and vote for Medford’s own Michael Callahan Tuesday August 30th.”Let’s give Medford a strong voice in the State Senate. Elect Michael J. Callahan State Senator. MIKE is one of us!”