I’m going to try an experiment here, just opening up a thread for thoughts on the Second Middlesex Senate race. There’s been a lot of back and forth in the comments to some previous posts, which is great, and I’d like to keep it going.
I would like to pose one question that I’d be most interested in your thoughts on. We have two "progressive" candidates in this race, Joe Mackey and Pat Jehlen. Based on their websites and their answers to questionnaires submitted to them by us (linked above) and by others, their positions are almost indistinguishable on most of the "issues," and both have represented Somerville in the State House (Mackey a few years back, Jehlen now). Yet the "progressive interest group community" (if such a thing exists) appears to have lined up behind Jehlen; Mackey has picked up some endorsements, but not at the rate that Jehlen has.
Theories on why? Do endorsements matter? Other thoughts about the race? Post away.
eury13 says
I think that Rep. Jehlen has had more success gathering endorsements because she’s been more connected with the progressive community in Somerville and throughout the state. While Mackey may share her values, he hasn’t been nearly as present a voice in the community during the 15 years since he last held public office.
noho-missives says
Also, there is a strong sentiment in the progressive activist community to not split our support (as we did for Reich and Tolman or Dean and Kucinich). This manifests itself mostly in the Governor’s race, I think, but may be happening in this race too. I am not in the district and don’t know anything specific, but we progressives get together and talk a lot more than we used to before endorsing.A counter-example is what’s happening in the Lt. Gov race — it seems pretty evenly split between Silbert and Goldberg in activist support. May be because there is less at stake.
stomv says
Somerville has tremendously high turnover. Many people in Somerville simply don’t remember Mackey.Do endorsements matter? Yup. If you add up the total number of members of all endorsers of Jehlen, you get 10,000+. Sure, that double counts a number of folks, but its likey to be over 5,000 unique individuals. They won’t all vote, and the ones who do probably won’t all vote for Jahlen. But, many will, and many will.Those endorsements probably don’t mean much to folks not already a member of the endorsing organization, but I do believe the endorsements are relevant to the rank-and-file members of the endorsing organization. Additionally, a well organized endorsing organization can also do tremendous GOTV efforts for the candidate, thereby freeing up his time for other efforts.
david says
Somerville has tremendously high turnover. Many people in Somerville simply don’t remember Mackey.This is an interesting point. The biggest cities in the district – Somerville and Medford – are a big mix of 20-30-somethings who are likely to be “progressive” in their politics but who may not remember Mackey, and folks who have lived in the same house for 50 years. The latter may tend to be more conservative and therefore favor Callahan (or Casey, if he ever shows up). So the challenge for Mackey seems to be to explain to the voters who are in tune with his politics why they should support him rather than Jehlen, given that a good chunk of those voters know Jehlen as a current state rep and don’t know who Mackey is.
charley-on-the-mta says
David, thanks for doing this. A great idea.I feel a little bit like the support for Jehlen was a fait accompli in the “progressive” world, which speaks well to her networking, and also to the fact that she’s a current office-holder, after all. However, Mackey is a thoroughly progressive candidate as well. It would seems that of the two, it’s Jehlen’s “turn”, since she’s in office now, but I’m not convinced that’s a good enough reason to support her over him.The preponderance of endorsements and momentum does matter. This is politics, not grocery shopping, and making a “boutique” choice — i.e. based on idiosyncratic personal preference — is not a good idea. (Ralph Nader says hi.)There’s another factor: personality. I would love to hear folks’ impressions of what Mackey and Jehlen are like as people: energy level; commitment; ability to work with and influence others, especially those with whom they have major disagreements; etc. That’s kind of an X-factor in the day-to-day workings of legislation.
david-eisenthal says
As I posted some months ago, I still don’t understand why the primary election was scheduled for August 30. I’m also surprised not to have heard much discussion of this issue. It seems to me that the scheduling will – whether intended or not – depress turnout. The cities in the District have municipal elections later in the fall. I’m thinking that, unless there is some prohibition in Massachusetts election law, the Secretary of State’s office could have coordinated this special election around those elections.
eury13 says
To address the question of personality (because I certainly think that is something worth considering) -Jehlen built coalitions in the House to get attention for her priorities (such as emergency contraceptive coverage and raising the minimum wage). This was under an unfriendly speaker (Finneran) and more than one Republican governor. You can’t get that done only working with your best friends. She’s been an effective coalition builder.She’s also popular with her constituents. She was re-elected last year with 81% of the vote and has held the seat for 7 terms. Her endorsements also speak to her ability to connect and work with people and groups.Unfortunately, I can’t comment on Mackey. (I wasn’t paying attention to local politics when he was in office in the 80’s.)
no-horse-in-this-race says
Endorsements? the ?True Progressive?? Positions? Issues? No, I believe Mr. Eisenthal has brought up the real issue; Turnout. Casey & Callahan may appear weak but when all those 70 year old + voters show up at the polls while all the 30 year old progressives are sitting on the Head of the Meadow beach in Truro with their kids on August 30th you might be in for a surprise. Scheduling a special election 6 days before the biggest summer holiday; why Mr. Eisenthal I?m shocked, shocked you would suggest voter suppression. (Casablanca reference intentional) This election is about voter ID & GOTV (get out the vote) One Medford candidate, 16 precincts and an elderly voter demographic; if the Callahan people can?t pull this off they can only blame themselves.
david says
I agree that turnout is everything, and that turnout is a major concern for an August 30 primary. But why would Travaglini, whose views appear much closer to Jehlen/Mackey’s than to Casey/Callahan’s, intentionally set a date that seems likely to favor the latter over the former?
brittain33 says
I’m sure that if he gave this any thought, he was happy to schedule a date when party insiders would have as much control over the process as possible.
sean says
I think Eury hit the nail on the head about Jehlen’s endorsements being a reflection of her current position and networks as sitting Rep. Noho is also right on in recognizing that the prorgressive community has learned a great deal over the last few years, and lining up behind Jehlen is the pragmatic thing to do. The reality is that Jehlen has been an unwavering voice for progressive concerns for the last 15 years, and she has the record to prove it. She has the experience, the networks, the voting record, and the moral conviction that progressives want in a state senator, so why would they consider another progressive candidate who has been out of office for 15 years, and previously lost this very same race (Mackey lost the Democratic primary in 1992, and his campaign is why Shannon won that year)?The progressive community has learned that they have to be more pragmatic, and they are showing that in this race. The turnout issue… well, that’s the x-factor, isn’t it…
the-troll says
The scheduling..obviously Trav scheduled it to help out his favorite candidate. Most likely that is Callahan.
the-troll says
I donot think the endorsements fore Jehlen mean alot. Most have cross over membership and each was very predictable. Not impressed.
the-troll says
“No horse in the race” gets it. This is politics people not a fight of good v evil. And unfortunately progressives have a self rightous attitude, much like far right wingers, which is a big turn off to many. And remember. Most voters are moderates.But Trav obviously does not want Jehlen in the Senate. Otherwise he would have scheduled it after labor day.This is not rocket science.
the-troll says
Maybe Trav wants a senator that he can work with. Jehlen has a history of not workiong well with others. She only can work with peoiple that agree with her completly. Not a good quality for a legislator.
eury13 says
You argue that Jehlen is difficult to work with, but going back to the endorsements, she has the vocal support of 2 dozen legislators from both houses. That’s more state house support than any other candidate has. Does that mean that no one wants any of them in the senate?
the-troll says
Maybe the reps weant her gone from the House. But sdhe is apolicy wonk with lousy record of constituent services and delivering for the district. She only works well with those that agree wityh her, such as the 24 legislators aout of 200 that endorse her.
the-sound-of-one-hand-clapping says
The more I look at these comments the more I feel that there is no real discussion here. The Mackey & Jehlen people can try to shape the discussion through surrogates (hello troll & hello eury13) but is it really going to matter? If you have taken the time to find ?bluemassgroup? I?m pretty sure you can cut through the spin from the campaigns. Can someone give me a good educated guess on what the 2nd Middlesex will look like on September 1st?
brittain33 says
I’m a Jehlen partisan, but getting that out of the way, here’s what I’ve heard and observed:1. Jehlen has a great ground game and is going to dig up a lot of votes from young liberals and transplants. Whether that’s enough to make her win is a big question, but Dot Gay and Carl Sciortino proved those people are out there and will turn out to vote if someone talks to them in their language. Her people are getting out there. 2. Callahan is the only guy from Medford and seems to be staking out good territory in the center.3. This seems to leave Mackey between two pincers, because he’s been running as Jehlen’s ideological soul mate but he won’t get any of her voters. I don’t know how many votes he can wring out of Old Somerville alone but I don’t think he passes Callahan.4. No one seems to consider Casey a contender. You can’t be both the only conservative in the race and from Winchester. And unimpressive on top of that.So Jehlen turns out her voters and wins, or else Callahan takes it. That’s how I see it. Troll’s not a Mackey sockpuppet.
the-troll says
I get it. Because I am not a jehlen fan I must be with the candidate who causes her the most trouble (Mackey)No, i am an independent thinker.Thanks for stickin’ up for me Britain. You r familiar enough with my rants to know I am against most everybody.And isn’t Kelly Gay not supporting Jehlen because she thinks she is a lousy rep? ie. she does crap for the district.
brittain33 says
Yeah, Kelly Gay is with Mackey and had some choice words for Pat Jehlen when her campaign kicked off.What I was referring to was that in her first run for mayor, her campaign targeted infrequent women voters who they thought would dirty their hands in a city primary to vote for a liberal woman. It was an unusual strategy, because none of those people normally get involved in city politics, but it worked for her. The people are out there if they can get motivated. You can’t do it easily for city races, but you can make state legislative races about the issues they care about.
the-troll says
Kely Gay had more going on for her. especially her wok with the nurses union. They are not powerful, but they know how to organize. I get the feeling from the comments that people don’t realise how big and how diverse this district is, including Somerville. Many moderates in Somerville. Many with long time roots. Mackey’s are well known family. You would be surprised how many people who live in Somerville have been there more then 5 years, more then 10 even.This is common problem when people think there small circle represent “everyone” .As for Trav being more in line with Jehlen in political thinking, who cares? It is more about personalities and Jehlen offers nothing in the rough and tumble world leading to compromise, which is what politics is about.Not a team player unless everyone agrees with her.
the-troll says
POP QUiuz. (just to see if there is any institutional memory in this blog)1. Can anyone tell me what the very public controversy (nationally reported) was concerning Mackey’s brother years back?2. Has anyone confirmed ( and proved Globe wrong)that Shannon was originally elected to the Senate as a democrat then switched to repub during weld administration, then switched back to dem.Britain, ask Jehlen about that
eury13 says
I won’t deny my partisanship towards Jehlen in this race. I’ve said as much in the past. Speaking as impartially as I can, it’s Jehlen’s race to lose. Mackey isn’t getting any traction and Casey’s a no-show. Callahan’s got a lot of signs up, but people aren’t going to show up to vote if they aren’t enthusiastic about a candidate, so that kind of “oh yeah, I saw his name on a sign” recognition probably isn’t going to help him. But really, for a race like this, it’s all about GOTV on election day and who can actually bring their supporters to the polls.My question is this – in response to people talking about “constituent services”; what have Casey and Mackey (when he was a rep 15 years ago) done that Jehlen hasn’t? What has Callahan done that Jehlen hasn’t? She’s gotten good legislation passed (prescription advantage, raising minimum wage, emergency contraception coverage). Are these not considered important to her constituents?
the-troll says
NO.Bring home the bacon. Plus Jehlen had as much to do with the passage of those bills as the batboy had in the red sox winning the world series. She signed on and voted for them. You are right, the race is between Jehlen and Callahan. Callahan will get voters to come out, especially medford voters. Do not underestimate a local politician with winning personality and a history of returning calls and trying to help constituents on a one to one basis. Plus, even though he has been in Gov.s Council for short time, he has been around a long long time and has made many many friends who will be happy to show up at the polls to give him a vote. Thgis is much stronger then an ideolical bent.
david says
I am curious Troll – what did Callahan do before Gov’s Council? I don’t know his history.
the-troll says
A hack who’s been around forever. Various state jobs, but always there and knew all the pols and did alot of favors for a lot of people. Has huge rollardex. I know he was on the state racing commission at one time, but he goes back a long way.His slogan (‘helping people’ or something like that) hits the nail on the head as to what I believe are 2 types of pols. Jehlen policy wonk who misses the local and personal aspect od politics. Callahan, on the other hand, probably can’t understand the specifics of many issues, but he is more then willing to do a favor for a constituent or a friend. Many people appreciate that.Most pols fall into just one of those catagories. Very few do both. The only legislator I know that can do both and hasn’t gotten to big for his britches, which is another problem pols run into and get lazy on constituent services, is Gene O’Flaherty from Charlestown/Chelsea. whether you agree with him or not.I always assumed he was a punk. I just had some dealings with him and his office on a professional matter. Boy, was I surprised by his inteeligence and his willingness to work with people. I asked around and was even more surprised by the positive opinion I got from dems, repubs, liberals, and conservatives pols who have worked with him in the past.But give me time. I will find something to start kicking his ass about.
brittain33 says
I can’t ask her a thing. I’ve met her a few times at non-campaign events but she wouldn’t have any reason to remember who I am.
eury13 says
troll, you didn’t actually answer my question about what constitutes constituent services. “Bring home the bacon” aside, what have the other candidates done for their districts that Jehlen has not. Yes, Callahan “helps people” but to me that reeks of cronyism and has nothing to do with aiding the public at large. How many people has he gotten jobs for who aren’t family members?Jehlen had as much to do with the passage of those bills as the batboy had in the red sox winning the world series. I’d have to disagree. She built coalitions and got votes on issues that Finneran never wanted to reach the floor for a vote. I dare say that if it weren’t for her tenacity, many of those priorities would have wallowed at the bottom of the barrell as long as Finneran controlled the house.
the-troll says
“Yes, Callahan “helps people” but to me that reeks of cronyism and has nothing to do with aiding the public at large. How many people has he gotten jobs for who aren’t family members?”Obviously you do not get it Eury. I doubt he got anyone job. Never had the clout. And your family member remark shows your ignorance. Grow up.Being a rep is ablue collar job. Jehlen acts like a congressman. Big turn-off.And she is not one of the more respected members in the House, regardless of her politics. It has to do with attitude. She is better then those who disagree with her on any hot button issue. That is one of the big problems with “progressives”. I think it is called arrogance. The idea that “i am smarter then you, and I know what is good for you.”As for Callahan, Casey and Mackey I believe they are more in tune with the day to day lives of constituents and have not built their legislative records on hot button issues but rather have a more local flavor.I want rep who returns constituents calls,(not just herprogressive constituents, but all.) It seems she only responds to thoase inagreement with her and everyone else can be damned. Not so with Callahan, Mackey or Casey. All can work with and help constituents not in lock step with their beliefs. Jehlen seems to have angenda and the district gets in her way as she fights to save the world.I judge a legislator on how they respond to the small stuff, not the usual me too sign on crap that Jehlen does. Actually I find her a little less obnoxious then Jarret Barrios. But then he is king of a-holes. And other gay legislators, such as my lesbian rep. friends from Springfield and Jamaica Plain agree. In the state house personality is more important then politicalideology in getting things accomplished. This is why Trav is rooting against Jehlen.
david says
But here’s what I don’t get. Let’s assume you’re right that Trav sees having Jehlen in the Senate as a fate worse than death. Wouldn’t he still much rather have Mackey – a guy presumably in tune with Trav’s politics and also with his style – than Callahan, who may be jovial but will if anything stand in the way of Trav’s agenda? And if so, why would he have scheduled the election on a date that seems likely to help Callahan much more than Mackey? Maybe there’s no date that would help Mackey but not Jehlen?
brittain33 says
David, why do you think Callahan would stand in Travaligni’s way? His platform is that doesn’t care about issues and wants the government to spend more on his district. He’s not particularly conservative–he’s already said that he’s not going to vote for the gay marriage amendments, not that Travaligni really cares about the issue. He’s going to be a reliable vote for whatever Travaligni wants in exchange for what he thinks the district wants. When Travaligni moves on, he’ll do the same for the next guy. I’m sure that’s exactly what a senate leader looks for.
david says
Thanks B33 – you may be right. I hadn’t heard that Callahan had stated opposition to the gay marriage amendments. Actually, I haven’t heard a thing about where Callahan stands on any issue (other than, as you say, how many $$ come back to the district). Where did you find that info?
brittain33 says
I got a lot out of the Globe article Charlie posted to this site today. I forget if the gay marriage bit was there or in the Somervillle Journal.
eury13 says
Yet again you’ve failed to answer my question, unless returning phone calls is the only service that’s important. And from what I gather from your post you’re basing your opinion on assumption and have provided nothing to back it up. Do you know Somerville residents who have been snubbed by Jehlen when they’ve tried to contact her? If so, let’s hear about it. Put up or… the other option. (Trying to be polite here.)You claim that Jehlen is bad at constituent services because she takes a stand on large “hot-button” issues? Ask your lesbian rep friends if they oppose her taking a stand at the Con con last year. Ask women in the state if they oppose her taking a stand on emergency contraceptives. Ask seniors if they oppose affordable prescriptions.Obviously you do not get it Eury.I’ll admit that one thing I don’t get is that you have no problem with Casey standing tall and proud on his “hot button” positions, or the fact that Mackey is also a self-labeled progressive and yet you don’t rant about how out of touch he is with the “day to day lives of [his] contituents.” Does the fact that he’s been out of public life for 15 years not place him at a slight disadvantage in the “being in touch” column?Being a rep is ablue collar job. Jehlen acts like a congressman.Call me crazy, but I feel like being 1 of 200 members of the state legislature is a pretty significant position. If Rep. Jehlen treats it as such, that hardly ruffles my feathers.On the other subject of Shannon’s party affiliation: He was a Republican when he first won the seat in 1990. I don’t know when exactly he changed parties, but in the 1990 race he defeated sitting Democrat Sal Albano, who had held the seat from 1984-1990.
the-troll says
Britain, you are learning. You are exactly right. Trav can control Callahan. He will be very loyal. Jehlen will be a pain in the ass and macke will do his own thing. It is about personalities people. Don’t you get it?Most people good not give a shit about gasy marriage and when they see a candidate like jehlen spending most of her time on issues most people could not care less about then they don’tvote for her.No answers for me on Mackey’s brother, or anybody going to concede I am right about Shannon’s party history. Carpetbaggers
the-troll says
“Being a rep is ablue collar job. Jehlen acts like a congressman.Call me crazy, but I feel like being 1 of 200 members of the state legislature is a pretty significant position. If Rep. Jehlen treats it as such, that hardly ruffles my feathers.”trust me eury, the good omnes don’t feel this way. it is ablue collar job. they r not big shots.
eury13 says
Sorry troll, trust is earned. Not given blindly to baseless conjecture presented as absolute truth.“Most people good not give a shit about gasy marriage and when they see a candidate like jehlen spending most of her time on issues most people could not care less about then they don’tvote for her.”Time will tell…
the-troll says
“trust is earned” I don’t get your point eury.P.S. Eury. Kelly Gay is the one that tells me Jehlen has done shit for the district. That means not being responsive to the districts concerns. Kelly Gay is progressive and she is a former mayor. So, she should know about the rep delivering for the district and she does not have an ideological ax to grind. I don’t believe any current or former local officials in somerville, winchester, or woburn have accused mackey or casey of not delivering or being responsive. How’s that for staters eury.As for my lesbian rep friends, I was talking about Barrios. I did not say they have a problem with Jehlen. They may, but I don’t know.Tell mne Eury, why do you say she ‘built coalitions” She was part of many. But a leader, a builder. WRONGAs for Casey, he voted against gay marriage. that’s one issue. He sings many many songs. Jehlen is a one trick poney.Mackey being out of touch, you say, because he has been out of office for many years. What the hell are you talking about. If you don’t hold elective office you cannot be in touich with the community. Basaed on his resume, including most current activities, i would bet he is more in tuen with the city of Somerville the Jehlen. She just lives in her own world with her brand ofprogressives who think anyone who is not with them is evil.
brittain33 says
with her brand ofprogressives who think anyone who is not with them is evil.Come down from the cross already. The martyr trick gets real old.
brittain33 says
she should know about the rep delivering for the district and she does not have an ideological ax to grind.Of COURSE she has an axe to grind. She got the political shitstorm from the cuts in state aid, which meant she had to raise taxes and cut the budget, even though it wasn’t her fault. She got the same criticism you’re leveling against Jehlen–nice intentions, can’t get anything done, amateur hour. She’s right to blame the state government for screwing over Somerville, but let’s not pretend that she’d be an unbiased judge or a natural ally of Pat Jehlen.
the-troll says
I’m a martyr? i DON’T GET IT
the-troll says
So every mayor then would have come out against their rep when they too didn’t get the fundin they wanted. Every town and city was hurting. So that arguiment fails
brittain33 says
How many mayors lost in the primaries last year because they were blamed for bad city services? Not many. How many cities are as dependent on state aid as Somerville? Not many, either. Every town was hurting, but we hurt worse than most. Listen: I’m not saying that Kelly Gay’s assessment is necessarily wrong. She’s not the only who’s said that about Pat Jehlen. I’m saying she’s got a good reason to make the statements she’s making, when you’re presenting her as a natural ally of Pat Jehlen. The martyr thing is because you keep saying that the progressives think everyone they disagree with is evil, they don’t listen to you, they hate you. Wah wah. Saying we’re mean or stupid is your excuse for insulting us back. There’s no reason for any of that.
the-troll says
No, not all progressives. Only certain ones, like Jehlen, like Ruth Balzar, like many “active” progressives. But there are many progressive minded people who vote but who aren’t nazi about it.I don’t expect them to listen to me. I actually thgink they are hurting the party. Small number of progressives, but very loud progressives.Unfortunately many think we are all like that.Can you show me any coalltion’s on any issues Jehlen is a part of that has members from differnt ideoligies? Probably not. One trick pony.
the-troll says
As for Kelly Gay against Jehlen, obviously it is apersonality thing. Not bringing home the bacon, not ideology, I bet she just does not like the woman for some reason. Most likly only they and their close friends know why. But id Jehlen can’t get along with Kelly Gay then something is wrong.
sean says
“So, she should know about the rep delivering for the district and she does not have an ideological ax to grind.”Troll, Dot Gay has a huge ax to grind! Jehlen supported other candidates against Gay in at least 2 elections. There is personal bad blood there, so it’s unfair to criticize Jehlen and the opinions of her supporters and to take Dot Gay at face value. And, I can say as a Somerville resident, I was not a fan of Dot Gay, and my wife moved to Somerville 8.5 years ago and has called Jehlen regularly about various issues and has always been happy with both the response and the results. Granted, my survey field isn’t very large, and the reality is that people who like Jehlen are going to say good things about her constituent services, and those who don’t like her…And, on the Shannon story, I have talked to a number of people, including Sal Albano, who all state that Shannon was elected as a Republican.
eury13 says
Revisiting the constituent satisfaction rate: Jehlen’s been elected for 8 consecutive terms. Kelley Gay, whether for reasons of her own making or not, was voted out of office. Jehlen’s constituents, if they’d been unhappy, have had ample opportunity to show her the door and they overwhelmingly have not.
esomerville says
Eury13, you said you are unfamiliar with Mackey’s record so let me just give you a quick overview:While in the House of Representatives Mackey spearheaded the passage of the Gay Rights Bill and WROTE the law allowing gay couples to adopt. Mackey was responsible for starting the Healthy Start program, which provides access to early, comprehensive and continuous prenatal care for low-income, uninsured women to improve the health of newborns and their mothers. This was the first program of its kind in the United States.Mackey was responsible a program that made rape kits a mandatory staple in all hospitals and he intends to make emergency contraception as readily accessible as a State Senator.Mackey authored the Drug Asset Forfeiture Law, which allows for millions of dollars in seized drug money to be pumped back into local aid. This was the first law of its kind and it became model legislation for other states throughout the country.Joe wrote the Bad Apple Law, which provides for tougher penalties for crimes committed in and around public housing.As a State Rep. Mackey earned a 96% AFL-CIO voting record, voting 22 of 23 times with Labor according to the Massachusetts AFL-CIO. He also drafted and helped pass an increase in the minimum wage.Mackey wrote and secured passage of legislation preventing bottling companies from keeping unclaimed bottle and can deposits and returning the money to cities and towns to fund recycling programs and other environmental improvement projects. This provided MILLIONS of dollars in local aid for his district, and was a law that most people thought would never be passed (they said the bottle companies were too powerful to take on). Joe got it done.He was named Legislator of the Year by the Mass. Bar Association and the Mass. Victim and Witness Assistance Board and Outstanding Legislator by the Victim Advocacy Network. Since Joe left the State House (Jehlen’s current seat is the one that Mackey left open) to spend more time with his children he has founded the Somerville High School Scholarship Foundation, raising over one million dollars to send SHS students on to higher education. Joe has served on his Democratic Ward and City Committee, the Somerville Redevelopment Authority, and the board of the Massachusetts Association for Mental Health. He has spent countless hours doing pro bono work as an attorney for the district’s youth. He is a founder of the Girls Pride Basketball foundation and the Dreams for Youth Foundation.I hope this answers any questions you may have had regarding Joe’s character and his commitment to service. I guess it is pretty obvious who I am supporting (although I will never badmouth any other candidates. I feel Callahan, Casey, and Jehlen are all committed as well).
the-sound-of-one-hand-clapping says
Wow, Good Stuff!If I?m running for State Senate I want the troll sitting on my right hand side. The troll is right, Callahan will be controlled easily buy his patrons.The troll is right; there is a large group of people who have a real dislike of Pat Jehlen as a person.The troll is right; it?s not about your position on some politically correct issues, it?s about returning my phone call and making me feel like I have access.My apology to the troll, you are not a shill for the Mackey campaign. No apology to Eury13, your admission of partisanship with the Jehlen camp is little dishonest. You are an active volunteer working on behalf of the campaign. It takes all of 35 seconds to follow your link back to thirdwheel films to your web page to your blog to your July 26th post where you delightfully inform us that you have your own e-mail address; Daniel@patjelen.org.Brittian may be a partisan of Jehlen?s but at least he doesn?t pretend the good rep from Somerville craps ice cream.Troll; back to Mackey’s brother. What is the story?
eury13 says
Ouch. Outed as a volunteer. And one who gets an email address to boot. Scandalous. I’ve admitted my volunteer status in the past (or at least I think I have… at the very least I’ve never denied it). And yes, I’ve used my actual email address that gives anyone with 35 seconds the opportunity to find out whatever they want about me. (Which is a bit more than one can say for you, sound of one hand clapping.) That being said, I’m not posting here in any official capacity and I don’t claim to speak for or represent the campaign in any way. My posts are my own.ESomerville, I have very few issues with Mackey as far as policy is concerned. However, Jehlen was the first to announce her candidacy for the seat and Mackey’s campaign as an additional Somerville progressive is something of a slap in the face. Anyone’s free to run, of course, but it shows a lack of respect. And as long as we’re exposing half-truths, Mackey didn’t leave the seat to spend time with his family. He left it to make an unsuccessful bid for DA in 1990. If Jehlen weren’t in the race, I’d likely be volunteering for Mackey, but I’m a big fan of progressive unity and Jehlen’s the progressive to unite behind.
charley-on-the-mta says
“No apology to Eury13, your admission of partisanship with the Jehlen camp is little dishonest. You are an active volunteer working on behalf of the campaign.”One Hand: If eury13 agrees with Pat Jehlen on the issues, and thinks she’s the best candidate, he/she should be volunteering for the campaign. If you agree with another candidate, you should volunteer for him or her. Someone’s status as a volunteer doesn’t diminish what they say one iota.If someone is getting paid by a campaign, of course they should disclose that. But otherwise, let’s cut out the ad-hominem garbage. Ideas are right or wrong on their own merits, regardless of who puts them forth. Volunteering for a campaign doesn’t present any meaningful conflict of interest to my mind. It’s a small world of local activists — and who else reads this blog in August of an off-year? Many of us have connections with organizations and/or candidates. To a great extent, that’s what and who this site is for.If you want your discussion free from any partisan influence, pure as the driven snow, then a weblog called “Blue Mass. Group” is bound to disappoint you. Sorry.
esomerville says
Eury, I wasn’t discussing Mackey’s policies, I was discussing achievements (i.e. laws he wrote, got pushed through the house). He doesn’t just talk policy, he acts and makes things happen.
newmedford says
Callahan–a total hack. At least he has the nerve to put down his work as an aide to infamous Senator McKenna. What a disgrace. He has shocked his base w/ his marrige position. [*** deleted by the Administrator ***] Wake up Callahn supporters esp. in Medford.
the-troll says
hey westmedford, you make wan to root for Callahan. He sounds like my type of guy.
newmedford says
Hey Troll-I believe Mackey’s brother was in a highly publicized case of being drug addicted as the head coach of a major basketball progam (Cincinatti). This is a non issue in this race, why are you so intersted? Senator Shannon was elected as a Republican. Why are you obssesed with this? You are wierd
administrator says
this was because the activists in Boston know of unusual lifestyle and would have outed him if he took a different position.Senator McKenna and Callahan rgularly slurred Italien Americans and were homophobic to a scary degree. Alcholism rampant in the office I suppsose is their defense.NewMedford: I trust that you can back up these factual statements. If not, they will be removed from the site. You may post your backup in the comments or email to blue@vps28478.inmotionhosting.com. Please respond within 24 hours.Thank you.
newmedford says
It;s what is being discussed in activists circles and is on the grapevine. Talk to past Governors Coucilor Candidate Terry McGinty an Atty in Cambridge and openly gay his views of his race against Callahan. Talk to MassEquality staff. Talk to Issacson @ Mass Ploitical Caucus and you will hear what is on the grapevine on this subject. On drinking etc. see THE BOSTON GLOBE, BOSTON HERALD for years re: alcholism of Sen Mckenna. He had high profile driving drunk arrest. On ethnic stuff talk to former Mayor Fred DelloRusso, or former Rep Sacco or former Rep Marotta. All are around healthy and can share their thoghts on the subject.
the-troll says
Not interested, just a great story. It was Cleveland State and he brought them very far in NCAA one yesr…final four. Poor bastard had addiction problem and got arrested in Cleveland in crack house with some whores. Now you experts, only an idiot woulkd thiink this hurts Mackey politically. Everyone with a few years on them, and i stress “few” remembrs him. And he is a great guy, Kevin Mackey, and well liked, and straightened out, and working his way back up in basketball, and will deliver many many votes for his brother.l
the-troll says
Nothing worse then a dago fag. Right, Callahan
the-troll says
By the way, boston irish and italiens are like cousins, they are allowed to fight. Besides they all married each others sisters
the-troll says
And shannon was dem the repub then dem
the-troll says
I am obsesed with this because it is true but every swears by ther globe error
newmedford says
Troll ….100% wrong on Shannon being first elected and which party..Elected as Republican switche to Democrat much later and that was it. Check Sect of State records or check w/ former head of the MassAFL-Cio Joe Faherty (Woburn) who was instrumental in the one change to Democrat (I know I was involed w/ Joe)..in any case you hurt your credibility when you are just flat out wrong..Besides who cares now?
the-troll says
I checked with the Seante clerks office and the winchester registrar of voters. Both confirmed what I have said. Sorry to disappoint
newmedford says
You are a strange duck..100% wrong…Call Faherty as I challenged you (the Past pres. of AFL-CIO knows a little more than you) he lives in Woburn..Winhester registrar of voters have nothing to do with it..State Elections are run by the Sect of State they back me up.. The Clerks office I am sure were only half listening to you because he did cacaus w/ 2 parties..The point is First Election to State Senate was as Republican a later switch to Democrat and Faherty can explain how -when-strategy etc.
the-troll says
the-troll says
6TH RACE REVIVING SOME BITTER MEMORIESAuthor(s): Teresa M. Hanafin, Globe Staff Date: October 20, 1992 Page: 36 Section: METRO The race for the Somerville-Medford state Senate seat, a rematch of the 1990 upset of then-state Sen. Salvatore Albano by Charles Shannon, is reviving memories of some of Somerville’s most bitter political battles. Even now, six years after the last face-off between Albano and his political nemesis, former state Sen. Vincent Piro, the unmistakable presence of Piro — a Shannon supporter — is hovering over the campaign. Albano charges that Piro is back, campaigning this year on behalf of Shannon. Albano’s tactic is obvious: to taint Shannon by association with Piro, who was indicted, but ultimately acquitted, on federal extortion charges.But Shannon denies Piro is a factor in the race. “Piro’s dead in the district,” Shannon said. “I can’t tell you the last time I saw Vinnie Piro. He’s not doing any campaigning or fund-raising for me. They’d love to tie Vinnie Piro to me, but they can’t do it.”If Piro is staying on the sidelines, Shannon could be stepping into his shoes as Albano’s archrival.The charges already are flying: “He’s a Republican who’s trying to be a Democrat, too,” says Albano, in reference to Shannon’s habit of voting across the ideological spectrum in the Senate. “He’s trying to be all things to all people.””I decided to run two years ago because Albano’s attitude was always very arrogant and poor,” Shannon retorts. “He wouldn’t listen to anybody. He thought he knew what was best for everybody. Now he claims he’s going to listen, but hey, you don’t change your spots.”As with several other state Senate races, the Shannon-Albano duel is critical in Gov. Weld’s struggle to hang onto the slim margin of GOP senators who help sustain his vetos. Although Shannon can be unpredictable, he stands with Weld often enough to foil the Democratic leadership.Shannon, who used to be a Democrat, was a political unknown when he blind- sided Albano two years ago. A retired police officer, he was an assessor in Winchester at the time of his election.In some ways, it was not a surprising victory: Anti-incumbent fever ran high, and Albano, one of the few legislators to openly support raising taxes to balance the budget, was tagged as a tax-and-spend liberal. Out of 58,000 votes cast, Albano lost by just 903 votes.On the other hand, it was a remarkable victory for Shannon to be elected in a district where Democrats outnumber Republicans seven to one, and where voters in his hometown of Winchester represent just 15 percent of the district electorate.Albano first tried to go to Beacon Hill in 1982, when he narrowly lost to incumbent state Sen. Denis L. McKenna. Two years later, he fought a bitter battle for a Senate seat against Piro, who was then House majority whip, the third most powerful person in the House.Piro beat Albano by 223 votes in the Democratic primary, but Albano waged a sticker campaign for the final election. After charges of voting irregularities and a recount, Albano emerged the winner. He was reelected twice more — Piro failed to unseat him in 1986 — and served six consecutive years in the Senate.This time around, Albano, a teacher, is campaigning on his Beacon Hill record. He is still a champion of universal health care, for example, and is an advocate of education reform, having served as cochairman of the Education Committee during his last two years in the Legislature.As for his tax-and-spend reputation, he asserts that he voted to cut taxes more often than he voted to raise them.”The fact is, you cannot vote for everything the way Shannon does, and then not vote for the revenues to pay for those programs,” Albano said.Shannon also favors education reform, but was one of only four senators who voted against giving public schools an extra $186 million in state education aid, a measure approved over Weld’s objections earlier this year.The money was distributed under two different formulas; Shannon supported the provision giving every community $100 per student. But he opposed a second formula that distributed $100 million of the money only to communities that spend less than the statewide average on education, arguing that it penalized cities and towns that funded public schools adequately — including the three communities he represents.Although Shannon says he is an adamant abortion rights supporter, he angered abortion rights groups in January when he attended a rally held by opponents of abortion. He brushed off the criticism, saying he attended at the request of a constituent and sat in the audience simply to listen.Because of his maverick voting style, some political observers have tagged him a “Republocrat.” A year ago, for example, he joined with Sen. Matthew Amorello of Grafton as one of only two GOP senators who did not vote to sustain Weld’s veto of funding for the General Relief welfare program.But Lt. Gov. Paul Cellucci and Senate Minority Leader David H. Locke of Wellesley say they understand Shannon’s positions, arguing that he often faces a dilemma as a Republican representing a district with a high proportion of needy constituents who could be hurt by budget cuts.”He demonstrated that, coming from an urban district with a lot of needs, he could meet those needs and still be fiscally responsible,” Cellucci said.”My district is so economically diverse, that I vote the district, not the party,” Shannon said. “It would be a lot easier to run as a Democrat, but I believe in the two-party system, and I believe in the Republican philosophy of making government more efficient. And I think people in my district will vote the person, not the party.”
david says
Thanks troll – very interesting.By the way, watch out for that Caps Lock key!
the-troll says
David, if i watch out for cap keys, then I might as well watch my spelling, grammer and punctuation. Then I will have to start real editing and correct everything, like “thier” instead of “there”. Then I might be taken seriously.No thank youBut thanks for the tip.
the-troll says
Hey medford, i know joe faherty, great guy, but big deal. You get your info second hand from him. I get mine from m y memory and first hand knowledge. Sometimes i forget a few things. But don’t impress me by throwing around the name of one guy out of ten thousand who, like me, have been around forever. We are a dime a dozen. You newbies think evrything started when you arrived.
the-troll says
And don’t assume faherty knows more then me just because he’s a big mahoof with the unions. He knows a hell of a lot more about the unions but there is a lot more to MA politics then the unions. Thier record of getting guys elected in this state is abysmal. As i tell many candidates, fuck the unions. It’s the union members whose votes you want, and they don’t listen to the union.Expand your horizons medford.And those were cheap shots at Callahan.And alcoholism is a disease, ala Dennis McKenna. Being an asshole is not.Grow up, you f’n pussy.Sorry David and Charley for using your blog for this personal attack on this not it all mnedford, but he really pisses me off. I am usually smiling when attacking someone on this blog, but in this case I really mean it.
tothetroll says
Troll, following up on the Kevin Mackey story, I read an article about him recently. He is currently working alongside Larry Bird with the Indiana Pacers as one of Bird’s top scouts. I just thought you might be interested in knowing…
the-troll says
Hey NewMedford, don’t you have a response?Your assertion that the town registrar of voters has nothing to do with info regarding a persons party affiliation is like saying the registry of motor vehicles has nothing to do with info on auto registrations. I hope you are not a lawyer.
newmedford says
Troll/Jerry–I honestly do not have the time to respond/dialogue w/ people here. I just was trying to get a sense of the race and add some info as to what people are saying about the race from the outside i.e. Boston perspective. I am reoporting only what is being discussed.Its opinions based on facts. Your a very entertaing fellow and loyal and stubborn. i wish you luck. All the Best
the-troll says
newmedford, who the hell is jerry and I guess you are a very important person if you are too busy to repond good riddance, and my name is not jerry. Bad guess