Found through Talking Points Memo. Link:
The federalofficial in charge of the bungled New Orleans rescue was fired from hislast private-sector job overseeing horse shows.
Andbefore joining the Federal Emergency Management Agency as a deputydirector in 2001, GOP activist Mike Brown had no significant experiencethat would have qualified him for the position.
The Oklahoman got the job through an old college friend who at the time was heading up FEMA.
…Before joining the Bush administration in 2001,Brown spent 11 years as the commissioner of judges and stewards for theInternational Arabian Horse Association, a breeders’ and horse-showorganization based in Colorado.
… Brown was forced out of the position after a spate of lawsuits over alleged supervision failures.
"He was asked to resign,” Bill Pennington, president of the IAHA at the time, confirmed last night.
Soonafter, Brown was invited to join the administration by his old Oklahomacollege roommate Joseph Allbaugh, the previous head of FEMA until hequit in 2003 to work for the president’s re-election campaign.
I thought I couldn’t be shocked anymore.
And for all his faults, Mitt Romney is a sentient human being:
"I look at FEMA and I shake my head,” said a furious Gov. Mitt Romney yesterday, calling the response "an embarrassment."
lynne says
We’re trying to organize an effort so we can be ready to deal with the long term housing situation – details on my latest post here.
charley-on-the-mta says
Lynne: Where are you meeting? Is it tomorrow?And my suggestion: coordinate with the ARC, but not FEMA. FEMA can’t coordinate itself, much less folks in MA.
charley-on-the-mta says
Duh, if I’d read your post:”Technology Center at 359 Columbus Avenue, Boston, MA at 3pm tomorrow, Sunday, Sept 4t.”Is that the Northeastern Tech Center?
lynne says
I don’t think so…the website says, “The Tech Center is a joint project between The Tent City Corporation, the School of Architecture and Planning , and the Community Fellows Program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in collaboration with TechChange, East West Foundation and Roxbury Community College.”Someone else suggested and secured the location and timeslot for the meeting, I don’t know anything about the Center.Can you come tomorrow Charley? Your contacts into GBIO would be awesome. It’d be great to have them on board.Yeah, I’m so pissed, so very pissed about the response to this.Gee, are we safer than we were 4 years ago? My bets lie on a resounding NO FUCKING WAY!
charley-on-the-mta says
Lynne, I’m pretty sure I can’t make it :(I’ve already emailed GBIO, though.