In which my bloggy navel-gazing meets the Boston Globe… from the Globe’s article on the challenges of the Deval Patrick campaign, I found this comment interesting:
”If our opponents think they can continue to cherry-pick short-termdata as some kind of old-school evidence that they can beat us, wecan’t wait for the day when we are only seeing them in our rearviewmirror," Byrd said. ”Our evidence is our grass-roots advantage, ourInternet advantage, our million dollars raised since April, and ourissue focus."
OK… so that internet advantage? That’s us, and his pretty decent site. The question is whether he’ll be able to leverage that, and his doubtless enthusiastic volunteer base, into getting wider name recognition and support. While I would love to toot the horn of this site and all the other MA lefty blogs, my impression is that our readership is small, deep, dedicated and possibly influential — but not broad.
sco has a good breakdown of where the polls are for the Dem candidates, and Patrick is still pretty much unknown. Right now, frankly I don’t see that many Deval Patrick bumper stickers, name tags, (neckties, samplers, stained-glass windows, tattoos, anything ), i.e. things that bump up his name recognition. So perhaps right now his campaign is based on depth, but lacks breadth. Is this a problem that needs to be instantly addressed, or is it by design?
Here’s a future-tense variant on my null-hypothesis explanation of recent progressive victories in the lege: The Deval Patrick campaign will be the most significant test of whether the "progressive" elements are able to broaden their influence to something beyond low-turnout local races, which leverage high levels of organization of a handful of mobilizable constituencies.
In other words, the progs are deep, but can they be broad? They’ve got a heck of a candidate, but he’s leaning pretty hard on them. I’d love to know the strategy.
Did you read that great endorsement the Herald, via the Somerville news, gave Pat Jehlen today?I think Deval Patrick has peaked.Strike that.I know Deval Patrick has peaked.Bill Galvin v. Kery Healy and Galvin taken it in November. That’s what I say.
Ah, the old expectations game. Everyone expects Deval Patrick who started out with no money, no staff, no name recognition, no nothing to be on top of his game a few months into his campaign, and a year ahead of the primary.>From where I sit, he’s doing pretty damn well. And wisely, he is not even bothering to reply to the CW, which nose fully in the air, thinks he should never have run in the first place. Hail King Reilly!
Fred, I do not know what the the “CW” is.But maybe he looks great to you from where you sit in western MA. But here in the developed world, anyone who looks at his campaign will say DEval has problems. Big deal he is getting “grassroots” suport. In this campaign, that just means he has a shitload of kids just out of college who don’t have jobsd and this will help their resume. Plus it is fun and they may just get laid. He is not have any “grassroots” support from any elected officials, including city and town officials. Any “grassroots” support from anyone over tha age of 40? 50? 60?Bill Galvin will get in to this soon i bet and clean Deval’s clock. – That doesn’t mean I am aGalvin fan. You say that deval started out with no money and no name recognition and he is now doing well considering those factors.Mitt Romney had no name recogmition and no money, Bill Weld had no name recognition and no money, Kerry Healy had no name recognition and no money. Chris Gabrielli had no name recognition and no money.But, like Deval they had personal wealth and a lot of rich and conected friends. So from our collective experiences with wealthy candidates with “no money” and name recognition, Deval should be doing much better then this pathetic campaign he is running. – Is he still calling in to his own house parties?Fred, I hope you guys in western MA are getting the CARE packages and the money we send to Sally Stuthers. Good luck in your efforts to join the developed world.
Hi Frederick — I’m glad you commented, because even though I didn’t mention it in the post, I obviously wrote this with a sideways glance at the PDM endorsement. I think we can agree that the Patrick campaign will be the biggest challenge yet for the progs, and that requires a dialogue with voters who are not the natural base for a progressive candidate. The candidate is very persuasive on his own; but PDM et al. needs to do its own persuasion, one person at a time. How do they do that? I’m curious, not necessarily skeptical.And you’re absolutely right, the self-fulfilling prophecies of conventional wisdom are Patrick’s biggest enemy. With a less-talented candidate, I might worry about that. But in this case, he’s got plenty of time.
I think it is unlikely Deval (or any campaign for that matter) can really have peaked this early on. It is 14 months from the election, most of the people are not even tuned in. What matters most is that Deval (or any candidate) be there when they do–which is around caucus time in my opinion.It appears to me, what his campaign is doing is laying the groundwork against the “default candidates” which is what he has to do. Reilly has a staff and an office and an existing organization (which he shouldn’t be using but does.) Deval had to build one, and by the looks of it he has. And while Deval faces name recognition issues, Reilly still faces that personality/gang of three problem. I have yet to see him do anything other than grandstand on publicity cases–look at how he waited to the last minute on the gay marriage ballot innitiative (which he was legally wrong on, btw). That’s typical Tom. Gather the cameras and hold a book and get into “look at me” mode.As for Galvin what has he done other than chime in to a story here or there? He might not even run. We should also not overlook the fact that Galvin is pro-life. I can’t see the Dems in this state putting up with that. I know I won’t. That’s pretty core stuff.
Hey Troll, easy on western Massachusetts. Sweeping generalizations (i.e. Massachusetts liberal) don’t do anyone any good. As to the argument that the blogosphere is going to be a factor for the Patrick campaign, I’d tend to agree. But what does that force bring to the table, as a whole? This isn’t me questioning the ability or dedication of internet activists, I just don’t see how concentrating the efforts of people who would generally be politically active anyway, produces a dynamic that changes elections.
Charley, Unlike the stereotype of progressives who are more about talk than action, PDM is about helping to provide a field organization for our candidate, where we can. Patrick in turn, is more about having an actual statewide field organization than any candidate I have ever seen for any statewide office. Patrick is wise to play his game and not the expectations game. Actually talking to voters, what a concept. As for the above comment about blogs, its true that blogging alone accomplishes litte. But to the extent that the blogs are providing an alternative media, and a way of extending and advancing political conversation in the state, and help people to engage in electoral life, they are playing a vital role that is amost impossible to measure. The ocasional troll not withstanding.
Two comments:1. National blogs have also dabbled with Deval, including dailykos. While Mass blogs will be doing most of the work and it’s likely that national blogs will only serve up the great state pieces (and not write their own), the national attention may get Deval some donors, and it will get him some money. How much? Who knows. Some is better than none.2. <-i>He is not have any “grassroots” support from any elected officials, including city and town officials. Any “grassroots” support from anyone over tha age of 40? 50? 60?He’s got it all over Brookline, MA. One thing that some town Dems are doing is laying groundwork for any democratic governor candidate — because even a moderate or conservative Dem is better than a GOoPer. However, they’re hoping like hell that the Dem nominee will be Deval. Is this true to a person in Brookline? Of course not. However, nearly everyone involved with Brookline Dems I’ve spoken with favors Deval…
Troll, did you just say that Mitt Romney had no money? The guy is loaded on a completely different level than anyone the Democrats could put up. Plus, he came into the 2002 race after getting a lot of national exposure from the Olympics. Plus, at this point in 2001, a Romney candidacy was still a pipe dream for state Republicans. They were searching frantically for an anti-Swift at this point in the election cycle.It’s a year before the primary. The only people paying attention are nerds like us. I think Patrick is spending too much money, but there’s time to correct that. A year in politics is half a lifetime and making preditctions this far out is a good way to look foolish.
I’d like to see how Deval plays with those citizens of the commonwealth who voted in 2002 election. The gubenatorial races seem to bring out a different breed of voters than other statewide races, especially those for federal office.This, I think, is the greatest strength for the Reilly campaign. There is a statewide organization in place, strategic support for the DA’s, and a vast majority of the elected officials, at all levels, are on-board. Now, I’m not saying it’s a homerun, but if the Patrick campaign is based on the “turnout” theory (i.e. theres a lot of voters out there and if we just make them all come up our guy will certainly win) I think they should look back to the lessons of the 2004 Presidential. Turnout alone isn’t a strategy, its just a start.
I don’t think the expectations game comes into play until the convention next year, and that those expectations are far from being set. That said, the convention is an insiders/organizational game and that delegates probably do not represent the general electorate too well. Patrick got the biggest “wow” response at this last convention; clearly he appealed strongly to the delegates. We also saw that in a small straw poll down on the South Shore, Deval easily bested the field. While not in and of itself significant, it is again perhaps indicative of the activists view of the race. I’ve heard all three candidates and all of them acknowledge that the Dems have to reach out better to all voters. Patrick phrases it in the sense that we need to decide what we want government to provide and then how to pay for it. When the discussion focuses on services, well hell yeah, people want services.
Thinking out loud, bear with me…Here’s another way of asking the question… we’re looking at different kinds of capital. Reilly’s got money capital, as does Healey. Patrick’s got social capital in some influential areas, e.g. the Dem Committees and active folks in the Brooklines and Cambridges and Northamptons.I know how one uses money capital to create plurality support. In a high-profile, high-expense, and (relatively) geographically far-flung race like the gubernatorial, how is this social capital used to get to a plurality? Not to be a troll myself, but is the Patrick campaign depending on 22-year-olds knocking on doors?The religious right has figured out how to leverage social relations, which of course translates into bucks and votes. Rove used an Amway-style pyramid-vote-getting scheme to win (?) Ohio.It seems to me that liberals need to re-create institutions, formal and informal, to create social webs of influence and affinity — things that draw people in because they provide mutual support, or because they’re fun or rewarding. Unions have always been our big social capital center, and as they’ve waned in numbers and influence, so has the Democratic Party, at least nationally.Is Drinking Liberally the next influential lefty social capital center? Our group of MA lefty blogs? Progressive Dems of MA? Will there be a Deval Patrick bowling league? Democrat summer camps for the kiddos?IOW, if Patrick is depending on the grassroots, the grassroots will need to expand their influence at the grassroots level. That means making friends among jes’ folks like us, and making it “cool” to support Patrick. I think we have to look beyond $$$ and canvassing, to be more creative.
I’ll take you one at a time.Anon,”laying the groundwork ” against default candidates? Huh? He hasn’t reached out and personally met with 10 state reps or 20 selectmen in this state. I see no ground workYour point is basicly Reilly is an incompetent maedia hog, and has the power of his elected position. This makes Deval better? Are you saying Deval is a victim because Reilly is useing his political office for his political benefit?As for Galvin, “what has he done other than chime in to a story here or there?”:Is you have followed what he has done the past 8 years and understood the powers of his office, he is tyhe only candidate who has a real record. And he will commit to nog disrupting the current abortion laws in this state b ut favor parental consent. You won’t be able to paint him as a right wing nut.
Belmont street BenLighten Up. Are ypou from Belmont St. in Worcestr. Is that why sensitive to western, mass.Yes, the slow witted cousin of the dumb witted. Don’t put much into Reilly’s “organization” Outside of him and the inner office “braintrust” he a has a bunch of members of the middlesex county and state defense bar, and a bunch of former Nazi prosecutors. Nobody that will work hard for him. I don’t see alot of reps ands senators running to him. Tell me Belmont, who has? Once this gets going so WON”T his organization!
Steve Leib,”I don’t think the expectations game comes into play until the convention next year”That is the problem, the person who beats the repub in november is the candidate that takes his 15% and tells the party to screw and goes home. You can have the nomonation with the litmus test 3 issues. Give your 100% allegiance to the teachers party. That is the losing recipe.The WOW Patrick got the dem state convention is a kiss of death in ovember.
Fred,You saida blog is “a way of extending and advancing political conversation in the state, and help people to engage in electoral life, they are playing a vital role that is amost impossible to measure. The ocasional troll not withstanding.”So, you can’t laugh at yourself. The typicals stereotypical ultra liberal? The whole weight of the world on your shoulders. And when I disagree you ignore the argumet and attack. Hmmmmthat is lame.As for this great PDM grass roots organization, It doesn;t work unless that organization includes people who are respected in the commmunity. Not the tree huggers and naive recent college grads (at best)you guys have knocking on doors. Not the same ole same ole local activists that everone knows and expects, and pays no attention to. You need local elected officials, and people that are repsected locally that are not usually involved in politics. You need that combination state wide. And right now Deval should be personally talking to thousands of those peole. Sending them notes. And calling them back.But he is not. He is having Chad from Northwestern U. calling Sully from Billerica and asking him if he’ll have a house party for Deval. And DSeval will “call in”.Deval Patrick has peaked.
Storm V You should try and get to tknow this state and Brookline’s position, if you will, in it.”Is this true to a person in Brookline? Of course not. However, nearly everyone involved with Brookline Dems I’ve spoken with favors Deval…”These are the people that read this blog. Stoe
Sco, Sco Sco Sco Yeah, Romney had money, personal wealth, like the others. And had you been here a few years ago, you would recall that no one ever herard of Romney in April and in November he had some legitamate pundidts thinking he was going to beat Ted Kennedy. He did that with personal wealth.Deval has personal wealth and he has to step up to the plate. Not $500,000. Let’s see $2 milliom plus. That will get people excited.
Charley, state wide fights in Mass especially govs, have nothing to do with religious right. As Coach Lomabardi said..”I want you to pay attention to this game, son”
Why Deval won’t win.He is like the spoiled only child. Yes he grew up in projects, but when he left that and went to Milton Academy he became a star and everyone wanted to know him,(of course racist exceptions) be his friend, be associated with “the black kid from chicago” Make things easy for him. His brains and connections and background got him into ivy league schools, but strings were pulled. Then he followed that to a nice boston law firm, then to Clinton white house then given nice job at Coke in a position that preyed upon his race. His resume and race made him in demand. And seriosly, these jobs were handed to him. He has been taken care of by others sense the first prep school application was sent out. Not a knock, he is smart. But soft. Like a rich kid, who has been handed a lot but. Not a real leader and becomes lazy. He has no idea how much work he has to do to get elected. He can’t rely on others like he has in the past. He has to make thousands of personal connections. He wants to run this race like small Presidential campaign. In reality it is big state reps race.If he doesn’t pump it up his Clinton friends like Robert Reich will start rolling there eyes as his campaign continues to depend upon them. Deval Patrick has peaked.
Sco, by money, I mean money raised and in campaign account.
hey troll, No time! All us tree hugging recent college grads from underdeveloped countries with no jobs are out there networking like crazy in hopes of making the right connection through the Deval campaign. Uh, who is the mayor of my town?That the gist of your political analysis? Whew. I give up! You are so right, Patrick is soooo over!Oh wait a minute! What am I thinking! You have no idea what you are talking about! Damn. You almost had me there, whew. So if I understand your comments on this thread, by your measure Patrick isn’t doing anything right. He’s smart, but he’s lazy, and he hasn’t got the chops to run a decent campaign because he has had, you claim, everthing in life handed to him since prep school. Cool. I love it when my candidate is underestimated. I hope your views are widely held among his opponents.Advantage, Patrick.
Fred, you didn’t argue with me. You just made fun of me. Where are you rebuttals. You cherry picked my points to turn me into “a hater”. Tired old liber/treehugger trick, Fred.Aren’t you some famous blogger/author/radio personality/editorial contributor?I had a point about Deval Patrick being not a good candidate. You have knowmnRebut my arguments in a grown -up point by point way. I assume you can. You fancy yourself an intellectual. Your bove comment attacking my points regarding the governors race have notheing to offer.Let’s see some real insight on this issue Fred. Sop far your response is very disappointing to say the least, but is actually immature.Give me youy best shot on the merits.By the way, underestimated candidates usually are not undewr estimated by those following the campaign closely. Like us. What do we have that is positive, that would say I am understimating him.
Fred. “Hail King Reilly”Where are you watching this from?
Fred,I just don’t see Deval working hard himself. He personally hasn;t reached out. He is not pressing the flesah with people who can help him get voteds if they want to.He is not a rock star. But the progressives have fallen in love with him.Boy, there’s a surprise.
Troll, troll, troll,Patrick is all over the place pressing the flesh, talking to voters, lining up support — including well regarded elected officials at all levels. Just because you don’t know about them, doesn’t mean they are not there. The Patrick campaign will make announcments when they feel the time is right. I don’t claim to be in the know about all thats going on, but I can speak with some authority from my part of the world, and believe my sources from elsewhere to be reliable. Again, Patrick is playing his game — and not the expectations game. I have had the opportunity to meet with him privately, as well as to see him before large gatherings of people in different places at different times. He is a thoughtful and energetic candidate, and in my opinion, he has what it takes to win. In addition to being a thoughtful humorous, passionate, personable, intelligent, accomplished and highly capable human being, one of the things that strikes me in meeting Deval Patrick and watching him interact with people is how well he listens and engages. Spend five minutes in a room with him, and you know that he cares deeply about people, the way that they live, and thier hopes for their future. He is interested in public policy from that standpoint. He has depth of knowledge in some areas and not others, and he is open about the fact that he is learning. I have had the chance to see him grow as a candidate and as a man learning to navigate some of the wonkier aspects of public policy, where mastery of the details as well as the politics, matters. He responds well to criticism, and has actively sought it out. I have seen very progressive and very centrist democratic activists and pols, once skeptics, come away from meeting and speaking with Patrick as believers. In some cases it took more than one meeting to convince, as it should. Patrick is an inspiring leader who can easily rally the Democratic party after he wins the primary, and win over the independents he needs to beat whomever the Republican turns out to be. He will certainly appeal to suburbanites, after all, he IS a suburbanite.You wonder if he is a good candidate. He is not only a good candidate, he is a great candidate with broad appeal. He has worked hard, earned his positions, and is well respected by those who know him and have worked with him throughout his career. He is living the American dream of upward mobility. He knows it and is humbled by it. He has done well, to be sure. But again, spend some time in the same room with him sometime, and you will see the depth of his concern about his fellow citizens, and his desire to make government a far more effective advocate for and administrator of thier interests.We disagree, troll. Patick is far from over, although like any rising star whose very existence threatens the status quo, and the conventional wisdom, left, right, center and Globe, there are those who are trying to tear him down. It goes with the territory. Lets check in right here in about six months, around the time of the caucuses, and take the measure of things at that point. I’m sure you won’t like him any better, but you will probably have to acknowledge that your early estimations might have been, well, early.
Fred, You gave mne no facts. Surely you can identify a selectman or tree warden or truant officer or Rotary Club president or VFW president, or little league coach, who is openly supporting Deval and working to get him elected. That is what Deval’s problem is. You talk like the convention is where this race is one.Right now, a person who wins the convention nomination cannot get elected governor, unless he /she is looked at as party outsider.Because of 3 issue litmus total devotion test.But anyway Fred,facts please, facts. Where are your facts. You just repeat the same ole mash note to Deaval. Our coverboy for TigerBeat Mag, The Mass progressive Dem. Issue. Give me something original about his organization. I don’t see one. (Other then kids getting high andf getting laid and not gaetting paid and having a hell of a time, till it goes bad.)
Fred, regarding what you hear and all these endorsements coming, You are being suckered. Not true. If true then endorsing person would be openly helping Deval. Having fundraisers, etc. His “people” workinhg on Deval’s campaign. Then have press relkease etc. at most oppotune time. You don’t see that. Why? Becaue it aint happen’ sweetheart. Deval is suckering you into believing that. Dropping names etc. But trust me, he is feeding you aline of bull shit. A little time in the developed world and maybe you would realize this.
“In addition to being a thoughtful humorous, passionate, personable, intelligent, accomplished and highly capable human being, one of the things that strikes me in meeting Deval Patrick and watching him interact with people is how well he listens and engages. Spend five minutes in a room with him, and you know that he cares deeply about people, the way that they live, and thier hopes for their future. He is interested in public policy from that standpoint. He has depth of knowledge in some areas and not others, and he is open about the fact that he is learning.”Fred if I need a pastor for my church you have sold me on Deval
Fred,Why do you subtly accuse me of quietly trying to tear him down. Again the victim and demonize the messenger.You miss my point. I have nothing against Deval as a candidate, a person, and maybe even a governor. I just think he is running a shitty campaign, and I am using facts to back it up. You have no defense. I don’t care if he is the second coming of Christ, his campaign still sucks. Fred, defend his campaign, not him. You have failed miserably at this, Fred.
Fred, “He is living the American dream of upward mobility.”You liberal, elitest, rascist.Tom Reilly “is living the American dream of upward mobility.”Bil Galvin “is living the American dream of upward mobility.” Tim Cahill “is living the American dream of upward mobility.” Mike Dukakis “is living the American dream of upward mobility.” Bill Clinton “is living the American dream of upward mobility.” Mike Capuano “is living the American dream of upward mobility.” Barney Frank “is living the American dream of upward mobility.” Fred, you are a fraud.You only love Deval because you know you are suppose to. That’s all you know. Fraudo Fred Clarkson.I think I may start regularly commenting on your blog.
Fred, just checked out your blog. Boy, how’s your ego doing. You have a story about you talking about Deval. I did forget about Jom McGovern, I will give you that. But Deval has already spent the goodwill it brings him. He’ll be lucky if McGovern raises him $20 grand and delivers him 200 votes.
The strol L:First you ask He is not have any “grassroots” support from any elected officials, including city and town officials. Any “grassroots” support from anyone over tha age of 40? 50? 60?to which I reply that he certainly has some, citing my personal experience with Dems in Brookline over the past six months.Then, you reply that “These are the people that read this blog. Stoe”So if you knew that these people existed and are reading the blog, why ask the question?
Stomv saynig Deval has grassrtoots and strong poltical support in Brookline, in this race, is like saying Reilly has strong support across the state because his mother is voting for him.Get real.
Troll, I usually appreciate reading your comments because I think it would be boring if we all had the same opinion. You have some very interesting comments here today, even if I don’t agree with them, but whatever point you’re trying to get across here is completely negated by your rude and dismissive manner and I do not appreciate your personal attacks. Fred Clarkson doesn’t need myself or anyone else to defend him, as his blog, as well as his writing speak well enough for him. Too bad the same can’t be said of you. I think the Patrick campaign is reaching out the the grassroots in a variety of ways that will bear fruit. I don’t know where the idea that DP is counting on college students to do all the outreach for this campaign came from. I’m sure there will be campus groups for DP, just like there is for all candidates, but to my knowledge there’s a lot more to their outreach goals then just that. I attended a Middlesex region volunteer meeting for DP where outreach was heavily discussed. At that meeting the campaign was working on reaching out to the area DTCs in an effort to identify support, and work with DTC members to go out into their OWN communities and get the word out about DP. That’s a good starting strategy. People are more likely to listen to people from their own community than some college kid that shows up at their door. I’d also like to note that many of the people attending this meeting were either DTC chairs or members and many of those in attendance looked like they could collect Social Security. It’s not just college kids in the cities that support Deval Patrick.
Well said, Mariposa. Troll’s animosity and bias against Patrick is well known. Much of what he posts about Patrick is unsupportable conjecture (the diplomatic way of saying making stuff up)- that he’s not pressing the flesh or that he didn’t have to work hard for apparently much of anything in his adult life. Any time you want to back those statements with facts, step up.My experience with Patrick and with that campaign speaks differently. This is a guy that drew 150 people on a warm, sunny Sunday afternoon on Cape Cod in late June, made some brief prepared remarks and then engaged the group in question and answer/discussion for another hour or more. He then stayed to greet people afterwards, the last to leave.The convention is only important as far as getting on the ballot and how one does against expectations. Given the buzz on Patrick among activists, I’d be optimistic about how it’ll go. With that comes credibility, the ability to get your message out better and more money. And I do believe that Patrick’s message is presented in a framework that will distinguish him from the usual tired gang of Massachusetts Democrats that we’ve tossed out there.
Ok Steve and Mariposa, name some supporters. You talk to legislatures and others who are in the loop and the consensus is that Deval isn’t connectiong with people that can be the glue for his grass rooots organization.Making stuff up?What is that Steve. Deval’s finace numbers are in the newspaper, Wayne Woodlief reported he has a crew of voluntees calling people to host house parties where Deval will “call in”. – Also a person should be asked by someone they know or if they don’t someone a little higher in the campaign.I have been criticisong Deval’s campaign for a long time. It has recently goten some press with facts they say it has problems. And I criticise people falling in love with him and therefore in deniel that the campaign has problewms.Deval should do well among party activists. But they don’t get people elected in november.So where are the names of supporters with any pull. I have kept asking and not one person has responded with facts, just the usual mash notes. Oh, and 150 people turned out at the cape. Great. Names please, names.All I get is personal attack in response. Lame people, Very lame.
Looking at the Deval Patrick website, and Bob Reich, Jim McGovern and Barack Obama are three names that jump right out as “supporters with pull”…the fact is, it is an upset that Patrick is still even around at this point, as a first time candidate running against reilly’s money. The longer he sticks around, the better his chances. And say what you will, but he has people talking about – there are 38 comments to this post.Troll made a good point a while back – Galvin has at least some record. It was he – not Reilly – who at least tried to take on Gilette and Kilt.
Good point Mike, Nice try, but not who I am looking for. I’m talking local pols, state reps, p[eople who can get their p[eople organized.Obama will draw a crowd and raise money. Many in attendance won’t vote for Deval but want to meet Obama.Reich, just doesn’t have any pull except among small group.
Troll – Nobody called you a fraud, so your personal attack charge is, wait, what was the nice way to put it? Right. Unsupportable conjecture. Endorsements are only part of winning strategery. If they were as important as you seem to think they are, the White House Orchestra would be playing Hail to the Chief for President John Kerry, or Howard Dean for that matter. Another key component to a winning strategy is name recognition. DP struggles with that now, but by reaching out to the grassroots through meetings with democratic activists and yes, by the Mass bloggy-sphere, he is getting his name and his message out to people who will in turn get that message out to more people, who will in turn get that message out to more people, who in turn will get that message out to more people… yeah, repetitive, isn’t it? It’s also effective in getting people involved. It’s still early in this race. I give his campaign quite a bit of credit for doing as well as it has considering how little press DP gets, except for the Chicken Little stories about his campaign finances. It would be nice if the MA press would give his policy positions as much coverage. I could give a rip about your so-called “loop.” Is this the same loop that thinks that Reilly should get the nomination because he’s been a good party establishment boy, and so now it’s his turn to run? Bullshit! What consensus are YOU talking about? You’re so keen to have names, let’s hear ’em. If you’re so involved, have I seen you at DFA meetings? MDP meetings? M&W Dem Coalition meetings? MRDC? I’m the big-boned gal with salt & pepper medusa hair. I’m hard to miss. Be sure to stop by and say hello, unless… well, unless you limit your participation to advertising your ignorance of political matters on blogs. Galvin’s record doesn’t mean nuthin’ until he throws his hat in. What’s he waiting for? What is the advantage of not announcing? Bueller? Anyone, anyone?
Mariposa, you are lousy at argueing.Steve said I made things up, I liken that to be called a fraud.I am not talking endorsements but who is working in his organixation one way or another. What state reps and senmators are raising money for him, actively supporting him?To be involved you have to be at DFA meetings, MDP meetings?You just don’t get it little girl.
Mariposa, I may stop by and say hello. But I am sure, once our eyes meet, it will be be love at first site.
Read it again, Troll. Steven was talking about your posts, he wasn’t talking about you. However, you may read into those comments as you wish. I know you fancy yourself as the self-appointed blog curmudgeon, but using personal attacks as you did yesterday, was out of line. I don’t appreciate your dismissive comments toward me today either. If you have something to say, then say it, but leave the obnoxious, sexist comments out of it, or you will find yourself with one less person to debate. Now, I’ve asked you nicely. Heed that, or you will be rendered invisible. I think I’ve figured out what the real issue is here. You’re thinking that success can only be had with the same old tired insider-led campaign. A campaign where the MDP establishment tells us who is going to run and how to run that campaign. That’s a strategery that hasn’t worked here in MA since Dukakis. Your idea that state reps and senators help candidates is premature. They will be helpful, but not just yet. They’re not brave people (except the St. Rep. that just shipped out to Iraq). They don’t generally stick their necks out. They are going to wait to see how things are going before they pick their bandwagon. That’s not how I’ve heard some of them phrase it, they say it’s way too early in the process, but they are all waiting to see how things shake out, and see where the support is. Deval Patrick is not running an old school campaign. That’s not what he’s about. Deval Patrick is listening, but he is also having a dialogue with the people of Massachusetts. He wants people to get involved. Deval Patrick is the only candidate that has ever asked ME what type of state government I want to have and also wants to know what is important to me out here in central Mass. Yeah, there’s voters out here too. People who dismiss the central and western parts of the state don’t understand that this race is going to be won out here in the wilds. That’s how Romney won. That’s how Deval Patrick is going to win too.
That is so cute, Mariposa taking a stand. What a cutie.
It is also how a candidate uses the reps and senatiors and selectmen and mayors, and othes with mini political organizations. That is what a lot of it is about.
The childish retorts and sexist comments left by some on this site, though no fault of the moderators or the majority of commentors, have begun to hinder my enjoyment of this otherwise great site, and I bet I’m not the only one. Mariposa is right: why is anyone trying to reason with (or even carry on a conversation with) someone who belittles people trying to make an honest point? Frankly, it makes a lot of these threads irrelevant and unreadable after the first few posts. I know I’m relatively new here and all, and I don’t think these types of derogatory comments should be censored, but they also shouldn’t be given the encouragement and validation that a response provides. Just my opinion.
The thing that baffles me about Deval Patrick is this, and I mean this as nothing other than constructive criticism, but where did he come from?No, I’m not asking what is his personal story. I’ve read that and it’s impressive, no one can argue otherwise. To have come from the south side of Chicago to Milton, Harvard, and Harvard Law is an incredible journey. To rise to the position of highest civil rights lawyer in the country, at a time when the best and brighest in the nation, many (I would presume) with similair pedigree, were competing for the postion is quite a feet. To serve as the top lawyer for Texaco and Coca Cola, is quite impressive (although I would argue there is LITTLE if ANYTHING progressive about working for MNCs). But what, of all of this, qualifies Deval Patrick to be the Chief Executive of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts? In other words, its a great resume, but it doesn’t seem like he’s applying for the right job. If this were a race for the Congress, or for the Senate, I could make the connection, but I don’t see it for the corner office.I guess what it comes down to is what I view as AG Reilly’s experience, dedication to public service and improving the quality of life in Massachusetts, others would argue makes him an “establishment” candidate. If thats the case, its a situation where I’ll agree to disagree with the Patrick supporters.But I hope we can all agree that the primary is only a skirmish, the real battle is in November, and to move Masssachusetts forward the battle must be won.
Lighten up, Nate.
Nate: Thanks for your kind words about the site.Some general words for everyone:There’s a fellow who bears a screen name of “The Troll”. Typical netiquette dictates “Don’t feed the trolls”. For everyone: it’s a useful discipline, both for the site and generally, not to respond to someone who’s slinging shit for the sake of it. Now, once in a while — I’d have to say hardly at all in this thread — our troll says something of insight. That’s why we haven’t banned his IP outright. But the signal-to-noise ratio is low. Just be forewarned, hold your nose and be prepared to scroll past the BS. Be prepared for him to respond to this and every other comment with yards of tendentious, misspelled bluster.He’s called “The Troll”. That means he’s a troll. He likes attention. You don’t have to respond in kind. For my part, you’ll have my respect and appreciation if you don’t.
Oh Charley, you’re so mature. To bad you don’t have much insight. And not a single person has answerd my question about Deval’s organization. Who does he have running Worcester, for instance?Give me some example.But no one can. All they know is Deval looks good. But he can’t win. Unless he improves upon his organization.
bluster? you call this bluster? Well i never!
Ah Troll, Troll, Troll….. it would be phrases like “spoiled child”, “jobs were handed to him”, “soft”, “no idea how much work he has to do” that I was specifically referring to us just ignorant and made up to support your dislike of Patrick. Further, I’d say that the type of enthusiasm Patrick has apparently generated among activists will be useful for both the convention and beyond, perhaps more so than many of the state reps. And while it may be that those veritable paragons of virtue fear going against Reilly overtly, if Patrick gets hot, you could expect the insiders to get increasingly likewarm.And that’s the fun part, speculating.