Some issues getting buried at the bottom of threads…
- Intriguing candidates for State Rep (Christopher Schiavone?)
- Jehlen’s replacement?
- Jarrett Barrios’s replacement for SEN? (He’s running for Middlesex DA.) Alice Wolf?
- Medford voting breakdown by precinct from Jonathan
And of course, New Orleans. From our comments, Abby writes:
Do you mind if I plug another charity? Episcopal Relief and Development does good work.
Also, there is a political point which the Democrats are too polite to make, that the Army Corps of engineers was vastky underfunded and that the relief effort has been hampered by the fact that so many National Guard members are in Iraq.
For more information on the failure to prepare for an anticipated disater se this article from the Times Picayune.
Have at it…
Please share widely!
Let’s not forget the general election for the 2nd Middlesex Senate seat, between Democrat Pat Jehlen and Republican Bill White.It will be Tuesday, September 27th — but do voters know that? At least four people I’ve encountered did not, thinking it would be in November:- – Joe Mackey, in his speech at Pat’s victory party two nights ago – the announcer on WBZ radio Wednesday morning – Frederick Clarkson, in his blog (which he has since corrected) – a neighbor in my apartment buildingPat’s got some more getting-out-the-vote to do.
I just read that Globe story you linked written by Christopher Schiavone.I don’t know, but that seems to be a lot of baggage that he is trying to work out.Hopefully, I am wrong
I am told that christopher is running for state representative in Charlestown against Flaherty and MassEquity is lining up support for him. Does this make sense?
Abby is right on about Episcopal Relief and Development
CTGG: yeah, that would make sense. Rep. Eugene O’Flaherty has supported the compromise “barriage” amendment, so MassEquality might have an interest in challenging him.
I’ll keep my ears open,talk to both my toony and townie friends and see what I learn. This is fun, I will be BMG Charlestown correspondent. Watch out Woodward and Bernstein.
Does anyone have a URL for a map of the Medford Wards and Precincts to look at alongside the voting list? If so, please post. I found one but it didn’t have the breakdowns as in the voting document. Thanks.
Oh, yeah, that was an amazing interview – especially how it was followed by a report by Burnett standing among those “rumored” 2,000 refugees (and dead bodies).
Change his title to Information Minister.
I heard the same interview. About time they (NPR) rediscovered their cajones. There was a follow-up note that they had gotten a call back from an underling who affirmed that the report was true, and that they were sending aid. Soon thereafter, the WSJ had an AP picture of a helicopter delivering water and supplies to the Convention Center. What would have happened to those people if NPR hadn’t made a stink?Sad, very sad.Speaking of the WSJ (that left-wing rag), they are conducting a survey of their online readers to rate the federal government’s handling of the crisis so far. It’s early in the poll, but as of now 824 (48%) out of 1724 have voted “F”.
Good stuff, LA. Thanks for telling us that.
Was Chertoff expressing his contempt for the media by calling NPR’s reportage “rumors”? More importantly though, Chertoff proves he doesn’t know what he is doing. HS should be using reporters, blogs, the Web, police scanners, TV, radio and any other form of communication in a crisis. The fact that in this situation there were no cell phones, land lines or anything suggests HS needs to rely on as many reliable sources as possible. There are only satellite phones out there, which NPR reporters happen to have in the field. You wonder, is he thinking NPR can’t be trusted because they are publicly funded mostly by liberals? Most of Chertoff’s salary is publicly funded by liberals. What an ingrate! Chertoff’s ignorance makes him a liability in an emergency, not an asset. Of course he should be fired. But in this case, he will likely get the Congressional Medal of Honor and a cushy position in the National Security Council. I agree. Its once again incompetence masking as leadership. Only this time, we can pretty much prove Chertoff’s biases and inaction are potentially dangerous to our nation in a time of emergency. Yet another national security risk squatting in the White House…
Problem with calling for such an incompetent to be offed is: who is likely to take his place? Let’s face it, there just aren’t a lot of competent people who can pass the loyalty oath test. Ask Christy Whitman…
LA: Political pressure can be used to put someone competent in his place — Mike Brown’s, too. The Republicans and Democrats have to stopping dicking around and get serious about governance. They have both been absolutely pathetic at that.
Michael Chertoff is as incompetent as Bush is . As a nation we are in deep shit overseas . It is G.W. Bushes way or NO WAY ! Bush pushes duct tape to survive . He has bunkers to vanish in . He has longer holidays than the Easter bunney and Saint Nick . If Bush can’t handle a hurricane … what will happen on ythe next terrorist attack ? I hope he chokers to death on one of his silver spoons . Ou government needs an enema to blow out all the bullshit …My opinion , BoJay…
Hi, you made the google newswire, so I guess I will post here.Can we have our country and media back?The whole campaign contributing system has run its course. A man named Michael Chertoff was elevated to a position he had absolutely no business being a part of. He was elevated to this position by a collusion by the media and lobbyists.Chertoff, who’s only claim to fame is hounding Clinton and spending millions of dollars and 8 years to get him for Whitewater, was chosen over Bernard Kerik. Once the Kerik nomination was announced, the media immediately had dirt on him to sink him, in comes Chertoff, the son of a Rabi and dual US-Israel citizen. Both the media, the lobbyists and even Democratic politicians praise this decision.A man who has NO BACKGROUND WHATSOEVER in Homeland Security or for that matter an institution the size of the Department.He was elevated to this position because certain lobbyists and their allies in the media WANTED HIM THERE. The players in Washington who have influence Beyond their numbers and population in America wanted their guy in there, despite the ramifications of their decision.For some reason, our politicians clamor over one another to satisfy a small portion of this population. They go to great lengths to satisfy certain lobbies, even traveling across the world for photo ops with Israeli leaders.I want my country back, I want people elevated into power who put America and Americans first, not political campaign paybacks for certain religious groups in America. The result of this system was on display this past week. Chertoff was not the right man for this job.Where was the media in scrutinizing Chertoff and his qualifications? Why were they applauding this nomination in their editorials?I want my country back and I want the political campaign system thrown out. Too many unqualified people are getting posts in America where they are not qualified to be in, they are there because polticians want to satisfy the elite in this nation that supply the campign money to politicians.Thank god this didn’t happen in NJ when McGreevey put Golan Cipel was in charge of Homeland Security.Time to be outraged.
Does anyone know of petitions to pressure Chertoff and Brown to resign?
Avi: you want to start one?
Also note Wasserman’s Sep. 1 cartoon in the Globe:
Oops, try this link: cartoon)
This part of the world!! Did anyone notice how many times Bush referred to “this part of the world” during interviews regarding the devastation of hurricane Katrina? He must have said this 10 or more times. Is he that out of touch, or is it possible he really is so stupid he does not know LA, AL, and MS are part of the United States? No one seems to have picked up on this. Please review his interviews or transcripts.