2,500 refugees* coming to the Otis Air Force Base/Camp Edwards on Cape Cod, says wbz4 news.
"The governor is calling on the people ofMassachusetts to help with the operation of the Camp Edwards shelter.The shelter will need everything from teachers and law enforcement, todoctors, nurses, cooks and people to clean. The overall operation ofthe shelter is being organized by the National Guard, in conjunctionwith the Red Cross and Salvation Army."
Governor Romney says he imagines the CampEdwards shelter will be used for 30-60 days. After that, some peoplemay decide to return to the Gulf Coast, while many other may choose tostay. ?We want to be sure that if all 2500 really have nothing to goback to, we can care for them,? Romney said.
He called on citiesand towns to think about how they can absorb new citizens on apermanent basis, from housing, to jobs and transportation.
What an awesome (in all ways) challenge, for everyone. This article unfortunately lacks contact info for those interested in volunteering their time. Cape Cod Red Cross?
*(Yes, since they are seeking refuge, they are refugees.)
lynne says
LOL Charley, what did I tell you? Every state in the union.I watched the scale of the disaster in horror all last week, which is why I decided to reach out and try to build some support systems ASAP.
stomv says
I saw Romney on the news this evening. He asked for volunteers who can commit at least 5 full working days. He stated that the amount of training and beurocracy needed to get volunteers on the base was substantial, and that unless folks could volunteer 5+ days that it wouldn’t work out.He also asked businesses to donate (in this order, IIRC): televisions, books (esp. children’s books), coats and other clothing, and sporting goods. I imagine that individuals can also make similar donations, although I would personally wait about a week or so for them to get the refugees in, processed, and situated, as well as have time to get their infrastructure up and running.
jdarnold says
According to the Boston Globe today, the evacuees are getting cold feet, and the whole project has been put on hold. I don’t blame them; it’s a little hard to think about completely uprooting your family to travle 1000s of miles away at this point, I think.