Recent headlines from the Gulf Coast this week have been dominated by a familiar combination: federal fumbling and payoffs to cronies. The incompetence is so stunning that even administration lackeys like Joe Scarborough have revolted.
Who is managing the fiasco fiesta? Karl Rove. Indeed, Little Bush has replaced relief chief Michael ‘Brownie, you’re doing a heck of a job’ Brown (who prepped for his job as Judges & Stewards Commissioner of the International Arabian Horse Association) with a man who has even less experience with disaster relief.
The NYT broke the story last week, way down in a general piece on Katrina relief, and has not brought it up again. The Washington Post limited coverage to columnist Dan Froomkin. TV has been silent, as Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting notes. Everyone agrees, however, that the modest Mr. Rove is in charge.
Josh Marshall has been dead on: "Every Democrat should be hitting on this. Take the politics out of the reconstruction effort. He put his chief spin-doctor in charge of the biggest reconstruction and refugee crisis the country’s probably ever faced. That tells you all you need to know about his values. Nothing that happened in the last couple weeks meant anything to him. And nothing has changed. Same as Iraq. Same stuff." Marshall is monitoring which outlets discuss the story. So far, only George Stephanopoulous ? and, of course, the well informed readers of Blue Mass Group.