Robert Reich and Alexis Herman, both Secretaries of Labor under President Clinton, have endorsed Deval Patrick’s candidacy for Governor of Massachusetts. In an op-ed published in today’s Globe, Reich and Herman extol Patrick’s "ability to bring contentious parties together" and his "strong intellect, creativity, and humility." They say that Patrick "knows how business decisions are made and which factors matter most," that he "will make Massachusetts a destination for innovators in the [biomedical] field," that he "will give higher education the attention it deserves," that he "understands the importance of creating job pathways for our disadvantaged youth," and that he "can get the Massachusetts economy moving again." They conclude:
This is a man whose life spans the public, private, and nonprofit sectors, and who is ideally suited for the position of governor. On this Labor Day, knowing how important jobs and labor issues are, we enthusiastically support his candidacy and honor his service to workers and their families. Patrick is no ordinary leader.
Will this joint endorsement, probably the highest profile boost Patrick has yet received and possibly the first time many Globe readers will have thought much about Patrick as a candidate for Governor, help to give Patrick the name recognition and fundraising boost he needs?
the-troll says
Sory David. I am not impressed with these endorsements. These are endorsements from friends from the Clinton days. These bring no surprises. It wasn’t a matter of if these relics from the past would endorse him. but rather when the campaign wanted them to. They probably unleashed at this time to counter last week’s publicised money problems Patrick has.When I saw those fees he was paying these schmuck media consultants, I said “my god, this smart guy is letting these people take him for a ride. At least he put the brakes on it.I hear the hoof beats of Bill Galvin.DEval Patrick has already peaked.
eury13 says
I dunno… he’ll hopefully be able to get a good fundraising boost from this, and his name in the Globe can’t hurt.I hardly think he’s already peaked. It’s still way too far out to call it.
charley-on-the-mta says
Reich matters. He’s a former candidate with a grassroots organization still around and active. Herman not so much.
the-troll says
Reich’s ‘grass root organization” is already with Patrick. These are the people that Patrick needed the day he anounced. But it will take significantly more growth then the robert reich fan club from 3 years ago.Campaign is fading before it ever really began.Not like Bill White’s. He da man.
steven-leibowitz says
I suspect that the Reich endorsement will help with fundraising. And while he may have been the natural inheritance to the Reich vote, Patrick may well also energize a vote from African Americans, Hispanics, etc., that Reich could not. I’d like to see Galvin play the populist card more than when I saw him speak last month. I like to see Democrats view Reilly as this year’s Shannon O’Brien and realize we can’t go that route again.
john-galway says
Yes, Mr. Reich, the man who wanted to be Governor of Massachusetts but is now fleeing for the warmer climate of the West Coast. Napoleonitis is what he was suffering from. Deveal Patrick will damage the Democrats’ chance to grab the corner office because he’ll expose all the yahoos and middle Massachusetts has been puking on them since Weld.
the-troll says
I like this guy galway. He knows what he is talking about.
anon says
Let’s not forget Reich earned 185k votes and ran on a shoestring budget and entered the election very late. Imagine had he entered the election earlier. He’d be governor. Reich matters.
charley-on-the-mta says
JG: Which “yahoos”? That’s an honest question.
the-troll says
Charley, leave him alone.
charley-on-the-mta says
I’m not giving him hell. I literally don’t know who he means. The wacky libs? Someone else?
john-galway says
My personal definition of a yahoo is someone who espouses liberal views, likes to hear themselves talk, believes they’re superior although they claim to be educated and probably never had a hard day in their life (financially) oh and they don’t like the natives and want them to just be quiet so they can be shown the civilized way. Yahoos!
charley-on-the-mta says
Thanks for that.
john-galway says
Anon:Reich would have burned once the liberal special interests got him to publicly say he’s for women of ANY age to get an abortion without parental consent,supports Gay Marriage, agrees that contraceptives should be dispensed to women of ANY age, including 10 year old girls, (thank God for the Feds putting the brakes on that)and all the other issues that are so important to the Yahoos, who are only concerned about their issues and not winning elections. Lesson: we need to not vilify moderate Democrats who may be socially conservative to appease the left-wing socialists that dominate the party in Mass. imagine if normal people showed up and participated? oh wait, they have…Republicans have controlled the corner office because of the Democratic vote since Weld.
the-troll says
change liberal views to conservative views and we have Rick Santorum? Mitt Romney? George Bush?
the-troll says
He makes a lot of sense , Chalrey. Maybe not gay mariage. But he is right on on the other stuff.I like the cut of this guy’s jib.If through some miracle, Jehlen beats Bill White, I will pass the torch to Mr. Galway.
john-galway says
Yes Troll, but why is it that a democrat can support a minimum wage increase, support immigrant’s rights, support organized labor, support programs for the poor but then the imperial know-it-alls that run the party ask, do you support a woman’s right to choose and if the answer is no then they turn and run from you as if you have a plague and the communist daily on Morrisey blvd never says you support all those “real” democratic issues but instead says you are against abortion so you’re bad.
charley-on-the-mta says
I hear you, John and Troll. And often it’s a question of who supports your pet issues 100% rather than 95%. I’m not going to vilify the 95% crowd — on our front page you can now Google our thoughts on Tom Reilly re: gay marriage, for instance. And I can imagine that a lot of the resistance to “yahoos” is a matter of style as much as substance: I recognize the shrill liberal stereotype very well indeed. In fact, sometimes I am one. “Progressive” folks should take note of that, and understand that they need to listen more than preach.JG: Just curious, have you heard Patrick speak? I’d be really interested to hear your thoughts.And just for kicks: If you can, rate the following entities on a yahoo scale of 1-10, 10 being the most yahooriffic:1. Bob Reich2. Shannon O’Brien3. Tom Reilly4. Bill Galvin5. Deval Patrick6. Mike Capuano7. Joe Mackey8. Blue Mass Groupetc.
the-troll says
Yeah baby! That’s what I am talking about.Not to mention the communists on Morrisey Blvd. are anti-Catholic.
the-troll says
How can I rate Deval patrick Charley? He hasn’t said anything. Just alot of shit with no new ideas or any specifics. Just another box of soap.The yahoos have ruined this state’s dem party. Like Pat Jehlen, Jarett Barios, etal.And Phil Johnston and his band of mery men only make things worse.I vote for candidates, not the party.Shanon O’Brien bought into this crap and it cost her. Remeber the debate> Tom Birmingham was probably the best candidate for me. but the New Orleans Superdome smells better then the campaign he ran. He bought into the crap and his campaign failed.Tom Reilly is just a wuusy who can’t make a decision and just wants to be loved. He sucks.The democratic party is for diverity as long as the diverse are all the same.No on has answered me yet. What makes Deval patrick so great?I don’t see it.?I knew the progressives and Yahoos would fall in luv with him because that is what they do. But what makes himn soo great.But then again, these are the same people that think Howard Dean is great for the Party.
the-troll says
Is anyone familiar with Reich’s book and the blatant lies he told in it. Lies that were easily documented. Like what hew said in his confirmation hearings. This guy’s napoleon cmplex is out of control and it shows. His act is tiring.But, like Deval, he was a clintonite so therefore he must be great.I suppose BMG wiull jump on the Hillary bandwagon. And she is pure evil.
brittain33 says
The yahoos have ruined this state’s dem party.The Democrats are stronger today than they have been at any time in the past 15 years. The only person who gets any claim for ruining the state’s Democratic Party is Tom Finneran, who scared thousands of people away from supporting our candidates.
brittain33 says
Shanon O’Brien bought into this crap and it cost her.Right, it was her liberal views that made her lose, and not her reputation as a lazy insider with ties to the good old boys on Beacon Hill. That’s why Mitt Romney ran that successful ad showing Shannon O’Brien as a lazy beagle, doing nothing while liberals in the background talked about abortion and gay rights. The ad was all about liberals ruining the Democrats.
david says
The only person who gets any claim for ruining the state’s Democratic Party is Tom FinneranI have to add one more person: John Silber. If the Democrats had not nominated someone who made moderate and liberal voters run screaming into the arms of Bill Weld – for whom they voted in 1990 not because they liked him or even had a clue who he was, but because he wasn’t John Silber – Dems probably would have had the Gov’s office for the past 15 years.
john-galway says
Brittain 33:The only person who gets any claim for ruining the state’s Democratic Party is Tom FinneranObviously, no historical insight in that staement. As Chair of Ways & Means, Tom Finneran made possible the State’s recovery in the recession of the late 80’s & early 90’s. Tom Finneran was hated by the anti-catholic communist daily newspaper because he was against abortion and gay marriage. Can you name one accomplishment of Finneran? No, because you can’t objectively evaluate him because of your susceptibility to perception as opposed to reality.#1 Yahoo: Jarrett Barrios: a complete phony
john-galway says
CMTA:Yes, I’ve heard Patrick speak. He’s articulate, compassionate and has presence. What he doesn’t have is a chance to be Governor.
brittain33 says
your susceptibility to perception as opposed to reality.Perception is rather more important when it comes to elections, wouldn’t you say?I do admire some of Finneran’s fiscal accomplishments, and like any person, I am glad when he does things that happen to coincide with my beliefs, like stopping the death penalty. Yet his authoritarian rule, lack of ethics, and contempt for voters and people took a toll on Democrats. He had a bad effect on the institutions of government. You like him, fine, but don’t underestimate how much revulsion he generated in lots of people who disengaged from politics and the Democratic Party as a result. And don’t underestimate how much mileage Republicans got out of running against him.There are plenty of Republicans who admire Newt Gingrich’s accomplishments, too.
steven-leibowitz says
Both Patrick and Galvin are blessed with the opportunity to run as genuine Democrats, not warmed over GOP slop. When Patrick says we need to have a discussion about what you want state government to provide and how you want to pay for it, that’s as honest as you can get and puts the impetus right back on those that think you can keep increasing service and lower taxes. If you want better schools, roads fixed, health care, etc., then there is a consequence for that- you pay for it. What people don’t like is wasted spending, but will not object if our money is being used properly for the public good.As for the cultural issues…. I’m not sure that plays out as much in Massachusetts as in other parts of the country, with different demographics. I have a lot of respect for those that are consistent in their beliefs. If one is against abortion as a matter of their faith, OK, I just like to know that it’s not a case of being conveniently Catholic in that single situation. If it’s a matter of faith then I hope that same person would not engage in pre-marital relations, use any form of birth control, is against the death penalty and against the war in Iraq. I believe those are also positions consistent with the Catholic Church. I am also encouraged by those on both sides of that issue that take an approach to provide as much education and support as possible so that a woman knows her available options. I would hope a politician, at any level, would be honest enough to say that as a matter of belief, I understand there is not a compromise position. As a matter of a caring person, here’s what we can do to minimize the number of women that may feel and decide on their own conscience and to their own Higher Being, that an abortion is their only way.Back with Patrick, he states he is pro choice and pro gay marriage, and follows by saying that he doesn’t believe these are the crucial issues before the state. Obviously it is to his advantage to define the race as how we proceed on health, education and economic growth.
the-troll says
Tom Finneran used the legal power he had Britain. Nothing wrong with that. And thank god he did.
the-troll says
The progressives had more to do with Finneran’s treputation the the repubs. Thanks to the do-nothing-know-it-alls like Festa, Mazilli, Wolf, and Barrios, an undeserved reputaion became accepted as fact and that hurt the party. Becauser the dems want total devotion from its members or they will bite off the nose to spite the face.Get your facts right Brittain.
brittain33 says
Troll, you’re burning through your credibility faster than Finneran under oath. Keep lecturing me about what an upright, moral leader Tom Finneran was, it’ll guarantee that no one here will take you seriously.Weren’t you going to start posting about jobs and health care, anyway?
the-troll says
Maybe no one at BMG will take me seriously Britain. But I stand by wghat i said and really don’t expect any one here to take meseriously mbecause they are to wrapped up in this religion they call “progressive”But tell me Britain, Please make your case against Fineranb. Let’s see your facts/I’ll talkmto you about morals
the-troll says
Brittain, I bet you think Andrea Cabral is the greatest. Don’t you?
the-troll says
So there are two questions that I have posed that have not been answered.Brittain, still waiting for “facts” regarding your Finneran premise.And no one has told me what makes Deval Patrick from any one else. Where are his specifics. Oh, and no one has responded to my mention of Reich’s book full of documented lies which he uses to boost his enormous napoleon complex. But his ego got the best of him and he forgot people will check out what he wrote. His ego is worse then Bob Krafts. “h, please everybody love me, because I got picked on a lot as kid, so I constantly have to prove to everyone how smart and grerat I am.”And schmucks like the isolated, one way, narrow minded progresives buy right into it. Like they buy into Howard Dean and now Deaval Patrick. You guys are followers no better then little catholic school kids of years past. “e don’t understand it but we believe everything the nuns tell us.”Cult like. Cult like. Cult like.And if you disagre we marginalize you.And the blind following of the teachers’ unions. Like charter schools and vouchers are some high moral issue. I am geting more and more sick of the self rightous atitude of many on this blog.
john-galway says
Way to go troll, Brittain doesn’t know her facts as she indicates the Republicans ran againt us Democrats and got a lot of mileage from Finneran. Actually, the Republicans in the Legislature decreased in numbers under Tom Finneran and he set up the re-election for his members when Romney went after several Democratic held legislative seats, and guess what, Romney actually lost some of his legislative allies in races where the opponents to Democratic incumbents raised Finneran as an issue and got smoked. You want to talk about losing credibility Brittain?
the-troll says
I think Galway and I are going to team up and constantly comment here. Drive you guys nuts.
david says
Specifics. Well, I haven’t seen any more specifics from Tom Reilly than I have from Deval Patrick – quite the opposite, in fact. And Billy Galvin – once again – can’t even decide if he’s in the damn race.Here’s one thing I like about Patrick. He comes across as an inspiring leader. No, I can’t give you specifics, it’s just a gut feeling. But it’s one I sure don’t get from Reilly (and, honestly, does anyone else?). Maybe Galvin can be inspiring too, but he’s got to get off his ass and do something before we find out. And he has a tough row to hoe – he is the insider’s insider, and will have to work really hard to convince people that he represents anyone other than entrenched power interests.I’m not saying he can’t do it. Maybe he can. And maybe I’ll end up voting for him. But he’s got to get in the game first.
the-troll says
I’m not looking for inspiration, I am looking for specifics.Why do you think I like reilly. I don’t. But this blog is a Deval Patrick cheering section. That is why I keep asking.As for Galvin I think he has the best record to run on and has the political skills. Doesn’t mean I like him either.Those payments to people like Dan Payne were rediculous. Rookie mistake, but I see him making many more.
the-troll says
Brittain Brittain BrittainI am still waiting on facts re: FinneranYour silence is deafening
brittain33 says
Sure, the facts. Locking the whole legislature out of the budget process and then putting it up for a vote without giving people time to read it. Indicted for perjury. Preciptated a constitutional crisis over Clean Elections and wasting everyone’s time with a pointless fight. Taking all the rules about running a legislative body and throwing them out the window. Strongarming legislators into repealing the term limits on Speakers. Crushing home rule petitions he didn’t like. Slashing projects for anyone who didn’t go along with him. Some practices are common to legislatures, some are rare, some are illegal, and taken altogether it makes a total mockery of democracy. Finneran ruled the legislature like a god and brooked no dissent. People in 199 districts never had a chance to vote for or against him, and if people didn’t like his policies on one issue or another, guess what, their schools could be closed down by aid cuts. How is that a way to discuss the commonwealth’s problems?Finneran was a disgrace to democracy and a disgrace to our party. People who have no respect for laws or their voters are a cancer on the system. We’re better off without him.
brittain33 says
Hey troll, why don’t you ask the people on this site to search their comments and see if I’ve ever said a single word about Andrea Cabral. But why bother? You already think you know me and what I think, so don’t let facts get in the way. You know Somerville isn’t even in Suffolk County, right?
brittain33 says
John Galway, you can’t possibly be so stupid as to hold up the 2004 elections as a sign people liked Tom Finneran. He announced he was resigning from the House several months before the election! That was the best gift he ever gave the Democrats–Mitt Romney was all set to run against Finneran and the State House, and he took himself out of the equation.
charley-on-the-mta says
Best data about Finneran’s legacy: What kind of people are getting elected to the lege now that he’s gone?-Sciortino-Moran (after Finneran-zombie-DINO Golden jumped ship)-Jehlen (very likely)-Dorcena Forry, from his old district!etc.If Finneran were so great, people would elect reps and Sens who were like him. Not happening. The old ways are passing.
charley-on-the-mta says
I’ll tell you something specific I like about Patrick: He thinks that the Health Access and Affordability Act is the best of the three options (with MittCare and TravCare) currently being considered. At that point for a candidate — a year and half before he would ever take office — that’s pretty darned specific.
the-troll says
Best data about Finneran’s legacy: What kind of people are getting elected to the lege now that he’s gone?-Sciortino-Moran (after Finneran-zombie-DINO Golden jumped ship)-Jehlen (very likely)-Dorcena Forry, from his old district!etc.I don’t understand this Charley.
charley-on-the-mta says
I’m just asking: What’s Finneran’s political legacy in the legislature, and in the Dem party organization in general? Are his former lieutenants running things? Or are the people who resisted him taking greater power? What kind of Dem is winning elections these days?etc. (Those are all forms of the same question.)
the-troll says
Sal is running things, and no one else. And sal is not Tom Finneran although they were and probably still are the closest of friends. In a break from how it has always been done, Sal added many budget experts to his staff and basically took away the budget from Ways and Means. Bob DeLeo, good friend of his, went to Boston Latin and both Italien so natural friends.There is some doscontent, but there always is with new leadership. The biggest issues always for members are chairmanships, committee assignments, office location, parking space location, # oif aides, and what did others get. Very self-centered operation. As a result many who didn’t get what the wanted are pissed. Some who are pissed at him for whatever personal reason are people respected for not being petty. So I suggest he has less fans today in the House then when he was sworn in.As for the progressives, Sal will support gay rights and a few big things to keep the Globe happy and therefore silence Marzilli, Festa (who’s lame duck)Wolf (lame duck) Balzar (daffy) abd a few others.Inside he hates them and wants them to get nothing.Sal has been waiting for this job for years, like every rep. Before rep he was an assistamt d.a. in Suffolk county – worked in Boston Municipal Court. He has a lot of scores to settle (see Judge Mulligan – former justice of the Boston Municipal Court) and he needs room to move. Hence hi progressive positions, plus his North end constituency has huge progressive element)Sal has to do huis thing, take care of people before it falls apart.Always whispers about Sal, and I do not mean who is law clients are or were. But, you know rumors
the-troll says
Charley, i didn’t your questiuon about legacy, I started to write a whole thing going back 6 or 7 speakers. I almost finished my history lesson when my computer shut down and all was lost.Can’t do it now.Another time, if your interested.
charley-on-the-mta says
Always interested. That would be great.