So, a week after John Edwards begins his national tour for poverty awareness, House Republicans revealed their poverty program: Grind the middle class and poor into dust.
Republicans began targeting key programs for budget cuts yesterday,from student loans and health care to food stamps and foster care. Butthe tough measures immediately drew staunch opposition fromanti-poverty groups, businesses and moderate Republicans.
…"I can’t believe that some people in Washington think that, after aCategory 5 hurricane, the solution is to unleash a Category 5 hurricaneon working people," said Michele Baker, a custodian for the OrleansParish School District, who weathered Katrina in her car, spent theaftermath in the Louisiana Superdome and now has no job.
How low can they go? How morally bankrupt? How about depriving children of medical care? Picking on the disabled? It’s all in there. Back in the 90’s, Newt Gingrich got hammered for proposingcutting school lunches. This makes that look like, well, child’s play.
There is no lower that the Congressional Republicans can stoop — they’re already at the worm’s eye view. Next up — reintroducing workhouses, child labor, slavery, and sharecropping. Why not?
lynne says
Indeed…why not? The decrease in the quality of the education system ought to help them keep the masses down. Because of course, an educated America is a danger to the kleptocracy.
fulham says
Hey…slavery is right in line with some of the free market thinking of the Conservative wing. Their argument would be something like, “Well, if they hadn’t been so lazy in the first place, they wouldn’t be slaves. And anyway, I feed and clothe and house them.”
lisa-williams says
Not only that, a proposal by a group of Republicans concerned about the out of control deficit suggested ending the educational system for military dependents on bases as a way to save money. There’s only one word for trying to balance the budget of a war on the backs of the children of the people fighting it: Immoral.