Yeah, so Romney and Healey’s anti-immigrant-education stance hasn’t been going so well lately, and now the State House News Service reports in its roundup (note to MA bloggers: sign up for this) that voters aren’t buying:
On the question of in-state tuition rates for the children of illegalimmigrants, respondents were asked , "Would you support or opposelegislation allowing children brought into the country illegally to payin-state tuition rates at public colleges and universities as long asthey have lived in Massachusetts for the last three years and havegraduated from a state high school and have signed a sworn affidavit thatthey are applying for U.S. citizenship?" Exactly 54 percent saidthey’d support the proposal; 43 percent said they were opposed. [my emphasis]
I think the wording of the question pretty much decided how most folks would answer — there’s quite a few qualifiers there that Romney and Healey are hoping you don’t notice. We got yer nuance right here…
Also get your hot fresh Schadenfreude here: Healey’s approval/disapproval is 32/33, with 37% with no opinion.
"If I’m Kerry Healey, I’m seriously, seriously concerned," said[SHNS pollster] Chervinsky, who’s conducted polls for media and politicians for 25 years."She has as many people who view her unfavorably as favorably.That’s horrible for an incumbent running for office. That should be60/30."
Tom Reilly and Deval Patrick both beat her in a face-to-face. (Chin up, Patrick campaign!)