W., who already holds the record for most vacation days ever taken by a President, is closing on a full year of R&R as the death toll in Iraq mounts, according to Harper’s. The well-informed readers of Blue Mass. Group will no doubt recall Bush was on vacation when Katrina struck, and was also taking time off when then-CIA Director George Tenet first found out that Zacarias Moussaoui, an Islamic jihadist, had been taking lessons on how to fly a 747. Clinton, by contrast, spent just 152 days on vacation in eight years. Some have found humor in W.’s achievement.
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andy says
How I would love to have Bush’s job! You can be crazy and take a year off, with pay! I cannot believe the ridiculousness of this president and his shameful administration.
hooks says
Just think if he had actually been working for those 300 some-odd days. This country would be that much more F-ed up as a result. Here’s hoping he bangs in the next 3 years!
justin says
Strategerizing is hard work.