After a hotly-contested primary and general election, the winner of the “What should we rename ‘diaries’ on Blue Mass. Group” is:
User posts
Though I confess a certain sympathy for the hip geekiness (or the geeky hipness) of “iPosts,” I think “user posts” is probably the best choice – it’s relatively short, and it describes quite precisely what the feature actually is (unlike the meaningless “diary”). We will begin the changeover posthaste.
Thanks to all for your votes and your thoughtful comments.
Please share widely!
I thought it was good geeky fun. Oh well. User posts is good too I guess…
Hey, so are you folks going to do a faq or sumthin’ like that. I was just thinking it could be helpful for folks who maybe don’t obsessively frequent big name blogs (other than BMG, natch!) like DailyKos (too lazy to make a link, and I don’t think Markos needs my help building traffic…g)
Just sayin’. It might be helpful for those who aren’t familiar with the whole diary/user post thing.
I’ve been thinking the same thing. I’ll make a link to the soapblox “how to” page, at least. I have to say that that’s pretty under-developed.
I’ll just say this, since this is the coolest thing about “Auto format”: to link text like so, just type the text that you want highlighted + the URL, all within brackets, hit “preview”, and it should come out linked. Neato.
Speaking of which, I noticed a few days ago that this software doesn’t auto-format /text in slashes/ to italics, the way Scoop does. Does it do bold with asterisks?
why can’t I get this famous auto-format to work? The only way I can make a link or emphasis or whatever is by using html tags. What am I missing?
When we get the renaming thing done, I’ll set it up so that it’s easy to link to a post that explains how it all works.