Welcome to version 2.0 of Blue Mass. Group!
Blue Mass. Group now runs on SoapBlox, instead of TypePad. SoapBlox requires that a user register before they can post a comment, while TypePad does not.
However, if you always used the same username and email to post at the old version of Blue Mass. Group, you should click here. You will be taken to a screen asking for your username. Type in the username you normally post with, and we’ll email you your new default password.
Once you log on, Blue Mass. Group will store a cookie on your computer, so you don’t have to re-log on to the site.
Please share widely!
Nice job with the changes — even if you’ll make all of the rest of our blogs obsolete now. 😉
No way. As soon as we get the LeftyBlogs ticker on the front page, it’ll be same as ever.
Free mojo all around! You guys get 4’s. 🙂
The site looks fantastic and will likely render the rest of us obsolete. Best of luck with the new site!
I just realized that my site traffic will now go down as well because I used to get a lot people who clicked on my name which lead them to my site. No such luck now lol!
Andy, go to “Andy’s page”, then “profile”, and make up a sig file with your web address in it.
Like the one you see below.
More WOW!!! This looks amazing! Now you BMGers are poised to just freaking TAKE OVER the damn Mass bloggy-sphere.
Wow. Did I already mention that? 😛
Now all I have to do is figure out how to use the site. I wished my siggy showed up when I preview. I hope I didn’t screw it up.
Let us know if your sig line, or user account, or whatever isn’t working the way you expect it to, or if there are other tech fixes we can try to make. A lot of the site is adjustable!
Well, that’s it – this is now the DailyKos/MyDD of Massachusetts 🙂
But I had to find my password for Soapblox first. ;-P
Anyway, OMG, you guys totally beat the rest of us out. But BMG is just the place for the community blog thing, since a lot of discussion happens here. (You sly dogs you, I had no idea you were going to spring this on us!)
Now, for the crossposting of diaries between here and my blog! Ha. (You’re asking for it. grin)
I cross-post on Kos if I think there’s a significant national interest in the issue.
As for the new site, actually, we kind of sprung it on ourselves. The Soapblox folks were actually early in moving the whole site over from Typepad. David has been doing yeoman’s work (which, being from Oberlin, I appreciate) on the move. [bows deeply]
BTW, I’ll be there for the entirety of Blogleft on Saturday. Gotta leave @ 4pm, but I’ll be on time. Really looking forward to it.
Cross-post to your heart’s content! Like Charley said, that’s sorta the idea.
And really, soapblox sprung this on us – they found us, not the other way around (I didn’t even know they existed). I had mentioned our blog on a comment thread at Kos that asked people to list their own blogs, Mr. Soapblox read it, and we did the deal. Happened a lot faster than I thought it would!
but I think we’ve done good.