This fall, ActBlue held an online poll, which was publicized on popular blue political blogs such as Daily Kos and MyDD, to ask which states people wanted them to start with. The results: Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, Florida, and Montana. Once they set that up, it will be possible to include any candidates for state level office in those five states, including state house & senate candidates, on ActBlue fundraising pages.
The most challenging part of bringing ActBlue to new states, in their words, is the legal side: “the staff time and lawyers, Lawyers, LAWYERS, required to do this right are going to cost on average $10,000 per state, at least for the first set of states we take on.” ActBlue is asking supporters to contribute now to help them set up in these five states soon, so ActBlue can be a factor in the 2006 races.
[Update: They also have a contribution page set up to support them moving into the state of your choice. They’ll start legal work for setting in any state once enough money is collected towards that state. Want ActBlue in Massachusetts? ]