McDonough’s got the take-down of Joe Klein’s <a
in TIME of Our Guv’s health care, er, “approach”. (John, you say
“love sonnet”, I say “tongue-bath”… let’s call the whole thing off,
Essentially, Klein thinks Mitt is fabu for his health insurance
unfunded non-proposal with no actual insurance plans yet seen, because
its sheer mythical awesomeness “splits the difference” between the
House and Senate plans. Or something. I’ve been told that upon
publication of this fine article, Klein and Romney both disappeared in
a puff of logic.</Adams>
But you know… maybe there’s a silver lining to such hoo-ha: Our Guv
may not be especially relevant in the health care debate, since all
he’s got is the veto pen. So, the more he’s built up to be the “health
care innovator”, the more pressure he’s going to feel to sign what the
lege sends him. So maybe for now, we should all murmur favorably about
the fine cloth he’s wearing.
lynne says
Now all you need is a Wheel of Morality…
charley-on-the-mta says
I repeat: ??
lynne says
Ug. Are there no Animaniacs fans here? đŸ™‚
sco says
lynne says
I’m not alone in a sea of unhip people. grin