In the 27th Middlesex, mid-Somerville, we have two Democrats facing each other in a primary on January 10th. Both of them strongly support equal marriage, and the winner will be the only one on the ballot in the general election in February. This was probably an easy decision for MassEquality – they win no matter what, and there’s no need to get involved.
In the 2nd Worcester, three Democrats are competing in the January 10th primary: Michael Ellis, Robert Rice, and Mike McCallum. The winner will face Republican Jonathan Dennehy in February. I haven’t been able to find rock-solid information on all four candidates’ positions on gay marriage, but the ones I do know about, all say they oppose any constitutional amendments. It seems that MassEquality, based on their own research, came up with the same answer: they win here without needing to get involved.
In the 1st Bristol, we’ve got one Republican against one Democrat in this longtime Republican seat. The Republican candidate, Ginny Coppola, has been rather cagey about her position on the marriage amendments. I’ve heard from several people who tried to find out what it was, but she hasn’t been very keen on answering that question. I suspect MassEquality decided that she’s either trying to play both sides, or is an opponent of equal marriage, or at least can’t be trusted on the issue, so they’re endorsing her opponent.
On Friday, they announced their endorsement by sending an email and fundraising appeal to all of their members in the district. They wrote,
This election represents an opportunity to gain a pro-equality seat before the next Constitutional Convention scheduled for May 2006. Naughton is a staunch supporter of marriage equality. A victory in this campaign will help provide the momentum we need to ensure the new anti-gay amendment is defeated in 2006.
Claire is a terrific candidate. A public school teacher for over thirty years, Claire has been involved in local politics for many years. In addition to the MassEquality endorsement, she is also supported by the Massachusetts Women’s Political Caucus and SEIU 1199.
I’ve written before that this district is winnable for a Democrat. This new development makes it all the more winnable.
[ disclaimer: as previously noted, I am on Claire Naughton’s campaign, currently as webmaster ]