Today’s Herald, in an editorial entitled “Memo to Trav: Reject payroll tax,” comes out against DiMasiCare, arguing that a “payroll tax” on employers that don’t provide health care to their employees would “thwart the state’s hopes for a meaningful economic recovery.”
You can bet that the authors of this editorial receive a nice package of health care benefits from the Boston Herald. And you can bet that if, to save money, the Herald yanked those benefits, they’d either be on strike or looking for work elsewhere faster than you can say “hypocrisy.”
The compelling arguments against the AIM / Chamber of Commerce talking points that the Herald is mindlessly parroting are familiar ground hereabouts, and need not be repeated (here are some links, if you’d like a refresher). The only worthwhile thing in the Herald editorial is this little nugget:
Go Sal. Like I said before: stand your ground. This is the defining issue of your speakership, and you can be a national leader on it. Don’t believe the Herald when they say that the AIM/Chamber of Commerce line is universally accepted by “the business community” – we know that it ain’t so. Just do the right thing.