Tip of the hat to Mariposa!
When I first blogged about the 2nd Worcester special election, the matchup was Democrats Michael Ellis and Robert Rice in the primary, with the winner facing Republican Jonathan Dennehy. Soon after, a new Democrat, Mike McCallum, entered the race.
I heard from a progressive organizer I know, that McCallum was the progressive in the race, but other than the fact that he’s a selectman from Asbhy, I didn’t know much more about him. The local papers, at least in their online editions, were fairly quiet about the whole election. So at BlogLeft last weekend, I griped to everyone about how little coverage there was of this special election in the press, and that our blogs need to fill the gap. One of the people I griped to was Mariposa of Beyond 495.
Today, she emailed me to tell me she met Mike McCallum, and that he has a web site. And it seems she blogged about him too. Go read!