Every now and then I fall apart … The Bonnie Tyler
administration continues: RomneyCo had to <a
poor Peter Quinn from his banishment in the mines of Mordor for
having the temerity to go to conferences about open-source software.
BOSTON —The state’s chief technology officer
was cleared
of any wrongdoing or potential conflicts of interest following the
Romney administration’s review of out-of-state trips he made without
written approval.
Yeah, didn’t see that one coming. If these guys were any more
transparent, I’d be covering my leftovers with them.
And so much for the <a
Globe hit piece on Quinn — muckraking, not nitpicking, please. The
real issue in this is campaign finance: Who’s paying for Romney and
Marc Pacheco to shill for Microsoft? Who’s making the phone calls and
making veiled threats or non-promise promises? Follow the money, guys.
(Speaking of which, <a
href=”http://bluemassgroup.com/showDiary.do?diaryId=940″>here’s my
standard open-source software disclosure.)