As was noted here by alert commenter Ben, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., generally a reliable environmentalist, came out swinging against the Cape Wind project on the NYT’s op-ed page.
Several comprehensive refutations have appeared on the internet, and undoubtedly more will come. Here is Cape Wind’s own response, and here is a good diary on dKos with additional information. Also, the Boston Globe today editorializes against the slimy amendment to the Coast Guard bill that we discussed here, and notes that RFK Jr. is not exactly a disinterested party (since it’s his view that’s at stake). The Globe even comes up with a new term: NIMBO (not in my back ocean).
It’s too bad that even a committed environmentalist like RFK Jr. can’t overcome his own self-interest with respect to this project. Talk about missing the forest for the trees.
I’ve heard that one of the unmentioned issues issues in the Cape Wind fight is how the wind farm will affect sailing in the area. I wonder if the rich folks in that area are really just concerned that the wind patterns will change and hurt their ability to take their rich toys out into the sound. Not that there’s anything wrong with sailing. Just that I have a problem when good environmental policy might be affected by the desire for people to play in the ocean.
I am a great admirer of RFK, Jr. but like many in the environmental community he wants to clean up the earth but not bear the burden. We have had huge opposition in W MA to windfarms. Do they want Yankee Rowe back online? If our windy hills can make us some $ and give clean fuel at the same time, I think we need to try it.
One of my maxims is “I used to be an environmentalist until I became an elected public official.” I still consider myself to be someone committed to protecting the environment, but often diehards make this difficult by taking a “no negotiation” stance. We need to learn balance, compromise and respect for other’s opinions…..
I was pondering how to address the Op-Ed myself, but this is a good start.
I’d like to recommend again the DVD available from Clean Power Now, much of which has been split up into internet-digestible QuickTime videos.
You will see that in Denmark, a number of the bad things that RFK Jr. and others are predicting have emphatically not come to pass:
*You can see a so-called “damaged” view. Lighthouses, boats, and other generally accepted human structures have at least as much impact on the view and general natural beauty of the place.
*Birds are doing fine; generally they avoid the farm in migration patterns.
*Tourism is up. The wind farm is, in fact, an attraction.
*Fishing is fine.
*Boating is fine.
Anyone who wants to make an informed decision about this issue needs to see the video(s).
The “Blowing in the Wind” video is very amusing!
It says “from the Cambridge hearing”. I don’t remember a hearing about this in Cambridge, I must’ve somehow missed it. Did anyone here go?
I called TK, Kerry, and Ed Markey yesterday. The senators’ offices seemed to be busy, probably with Patriot Act callers. The woman who answered the phone in Markey’s Medford office was very nice and responsive.
Anyone else call?