REP. (thanks PatrickA) Emile Goguen (D-Fitchburg), a leading opponent of gay marriage, is “leaning toward retirement”. “Susan Koeck, who ran unsuccessfully against Goguen in 2004 is looking to run for this 3rd Worcester seat again in 2006 whether Goguen retires or not.”
The transition to gay marriage as a super-duper fait-accompli stare-decisis done-deal may happen faster than I thought. Will the Religious Right be able make a dent in the solidifying status-quo consensus before 2008?
Please share widely!
“Will the Religious Right be able make a dent in the solidifying status-quo consensus before 2008?”
My guess is that within a generation, most of them will have moved out of here, anyway.
Oh, those anti-SSM folk are cockroaches in the dark. They’ll keep coming back, nibbling and spoiling things for everyone else. Light and losses are interruptions only to them.
I’m hearing the argument that the initiative should get on the ballot so that we can shut them up once and for all. It certainly looks like they’d lose, maybe big time. Yet, even as their poll sink, they don’t seem to be getting it.
I think I’d rather them fall short of the 50 votes, on the first try, next year.
Just a FYI. Mariposa had it right in her story.
Often state rep candidates are succeeded by members of their staff (or ex-members). It will be interesting to see if someone from Goguen’s conservative base runs for his seat, along with Koeck.
Chalk it up to late night blogging.