Hey, I think I was right about Social Security “Reform” being the <a
href=”http://bluemassgroup.com/showDiary.do?diaryId=68″>Great Thud
of Non-Event in 2005. Gay marriage controversy doesn’t seem to be
going away, but more and more we’re tussling over strategy, legalities,
and other peripheral issues … the concept itself is getting a little
less hot and wedge-y in MA. (And who wants a hot wedgie, anyway?)
So here are some general predictions for 2006:
- Republicans try to hit Dems with “Retreat and Defeat” line on
Iraq throughout year, regardless of the facts; the media covers the
food fight and not the substance of who has the best plan for what the
hell to do with this mess. No predictions for how Dems respond, but a
firm prediction that Reid and Pelosi will not go on the
offensive on this issue, using the Murtha plan as a sword and shield.
More’s the pity. - Mitt Romney goes into self-imposed exile from Massachusetts,
citing “cooties eeeww.” - Democratic Gov. primary is close close close; whoever wins walks
away with it in the general, which will make Progs and Establishment
Dems both uncomfortable. (Check out <a
who thinks indie-Mihos is the major challenger to the Dems.) Healey
prints money, sets it on fire with a series of brittle gaffes. - Mitt Romney denies that he, in fact, was ever Governor of
Massachusetts. (Thanks <a
href=”http://www.haloscan.com/comments/sco08/113528860869352775/”>Elias.) - The Governor-in-Exile vetoes a relatively ambitious health care
bill, deciding
again to pad his conservative credentials rather than get something
done for MA citizens. I offer no prediction on whether the lege
overrides — if no override, the ACT coalition takes its proposal to
ballot, wins in a squeaker. Healey tells uninsured citizens that a spa
weekend in Vermont really makes you feel healthy. - Medicare prescription drug benefit, “<a
holes” and all, create huge masses of confused, angry and rather
unhealthy beneficiaries pissed off at Republicans. Taxpayers may even
realize (in sufficient numbers) they’re getting <a
blind. (Healey tells seniors to “ask your doctor if <a
href=”http://www.panexa.com”>Panexa is right for you.”) - Mitt Romney declares Massachusetts to be a “theory, not a fact”,
with inexplicable “gaps” and “problems”. - Acceptance of gay marriage continues to grow in MA and beyond;
Mountain” cited as reason for easing of attitudes. (Healey tells gays
to “Cowboy Up!” and stop whining.) - <a
alt=”Mitt’s view from Iowa”
src=”http://homepage.mac.com/bgdelafuente/iblog/B1525647482/C793524152/E1816786171/Media/family.jpg” align=”right”
border=”0″ height=”63″ width=”86″>The simple truth that you can
barely see those damn wind turbines
gets through to a lot of Cape Codders, who warm to the concept of the
wind farm. Reilly phumphers unintelligibly, Patrick is pleased,
Mitt complains about the view from a diner in Iowa. (Healey says wind
href=”http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A20802-2004Jun6.html”>pollution.) - Mitt Romney claims that “he did not have electoral relations with
that Commonwealth, Massachusetts.” -
alt=”Quinn the borg”
src=”http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/f/f4/LocutusofBorg.jpg” align=”right”
border=”0″ height=”100″ width=”129″>Former State Chief Technology
Officer and Micro-dissident Daniel Quinn “assimilated”. (Healey likes
the high-tech look.) -
Mitt Romney moves in an enormous granite
monument of the Ten Commandments in the State House whilst <a
his kids. -
DeLay convicted; blames “vast
left-wing-conspiracy”; after removing rubbery mask, claims he “would
have gotten away with it if it weren’t for you meddling kids.” (I mean,
who believes that <a
href=”http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/1020051delay1.html”>mug shot
is really his own flesh?) -
Deval Patrick miraculously raises more bucks
than Reilly on the internet; chances are dashed when his convention
speech goes off the rails: “And we’re gonna go to CAMBRIDGE! and
STOUGHTON! and PITTSFIELD! and SPRINGFIELD! …. and then we’re going
Romney declares that “We are at war with
Massachusetts. We have always been at war with Massachusetts.” - etc.
What’cha got?
Please share widely!
After Christine Cegelis solidly wins her March primary, Rahm Emanuel is demoted and sent to exile in Massachusetts, to head the new “Massachusetts Democratic Campaign Committee” (MDCC). After several months unsuccessfully trying to recruit a candidate for Governor, someone introduces him to “Vinnie“. Romney strikes back by converting the MDCC to the “Democratic Campaign for Republicans” (DCR).
I’m in love with this post. Absolutely the funniest.