I hasten to add that this is not just a matter of form or being politically correct (heaven forbid). It is an issue of usability and, importantly, accessibility. Consider the visually impaired user who uses a screen reader to read your blog. They can only access the text on the page in a linear fashion, but can skim the page by reading the links. However, if the text in the links is not meaningful, it does them no good whatsoever. The home page of BMG (as of this writing) would read something like: “we read”, “Sam Kelly”, “David”, “Bob”, “interesting bios”, “Bob’s”, “here”, “here”, “reports this morning”, “here”… you get the idea.
Putting the accessibility issue aside, I find links that don’t give you proper context to be annoying and I am not likely to follow them.
So please, o avid bloggers, let’s try to do this right? More information and guidelines can be found here.
Hehe that was a joke. WebAIM has a super guide to accessible hypertext on their website.
I will endeavor to be more conscientious of my linkage on my own blog. đŸ™‚
today when I was posting, I thought about this, and made my links better. You can see what I did here.
I mean, look how nicely I linked because of you!
But, you are right! Thanks for reminding me!