My understanding is that Mike Festa has been endorsed by Representative Anne Paulsen [this is apparently true -David], one of the most progressive legislators in Massachusetts.
I am wondering why the Belmont Town Committee would only email the campaigns the day before such an endorsement vote. Could there be gambling in this establishment? i.e., did the Barrios people on the Belmont committee (and they seem to have great influence on the committee) have advanced warning of the meeting?
And it seems at least a little dismissive of an outgoing community leader – one who has been a dedicated progressive voice in the House, literally for decades – for the Belmont Town Committee not to have the decency to postpone such a meeting until Rep. Paulsen would be able to attend to make the case for her colleague in person. Is this how we Democrats reward years of steadfast service?
Kudos to Representative Paulsen for having the courage to stand by her judgment on the suitability of the candidates in this race! Would that all of our elected leaders showed more courage and less profile.