- I watched NBC: Russert and Williams were pretty decent; David
read talking points: “The President will say blah blah blah”… Not
exactly adding value, are we, David? - Bush’s great political talent is that he does draw stark
forcing a listener into seemingly easy choices — even if he sets up
mere strawmen. It’s not necessarily honest argument, but if we’re
waiting for politicians to embody that… - Hillary’s incredulous expression after Dubya defended the NSA
wiretapping was just priceless. That is a woman who should know when
she’s been lied to — only this time, there are, like, consequences. - The Dems’ standing ovation when Bush acknowleged his Social
defeat was terrific, too. For all the Soviet-style sycophantic
calisthenics that this event typifies, it was nice to see a little
attitude. - For all that the President talks about spreading democracy, he
talk much about the rights of women. Yes, he mentioned Afghan women
voting; but to my mind, the rights of women around the world is *the*
human rights issue today. If we feel we need to impose Western values
around the world, let’s start with women’s rights. - Michael Chertoff is a ghoul. Somebody feed that guy some pasta…
some compassion. - The Onion should run this headline: “Bush exhorts Congress to
deficits permanent.” - The President’s Health Savings Account push was pretty tepid.
Unfortunately, so was Barack Obama’s response on NBC afterwards. - Nice talk about oil independence. Wouldn’t it be great if you
believe a damn word this guy says? - “Activist courts that try to redefine marriage”: What a jerk,
especially to lump that in with other cultural things that parents are
concerned about. I’m a parent, and I’m concerned about my gay neighbors
being treated fairly. You don’t speak for this traditional family, Mr.
President. - I think I will long remember the faces of Lousiana Governor
Blanco and Sen. Mary Landrieu during this speech. Bitter, tired, sad.
The feds failed and continue to fail the Gulf Coast. This wound on our
country continues to fester. - I thought Tim Kaine’s response was actually pretty decent:
“nicer” and more gentle than I would have preferred, he did hit the
major issues of corruption and incompetence with vigor and contrast.
Could have been better, but could have been worse. - Later on NBC, Obama congratulated Our Guv on getting in the
health care
game. I wish people from outside the state would deal with him before
praising him for it. He doesn’t have a plan, and no one knows what he’s
going to do with the work that he’s left up to the legislature. If he
signs a good bill, I’ll praise him for it, too. But he hasn’t done that
Anyway, I’m left with really very little idea what the President is
going to do over the next year. Seems like he’s really running on fumes.
Please share widely!
It’s all peeance and freeance. Nothing to see here. Although, it seems they arrested Cindy Sheehan who was on her way to the speech, having been invited by someone with a delightful sense of humor.
I’m trying to get some work done, so I haven’t been watching much, but I did just turn it on for a few minutes. it was mostly gross, but a bright spot came when Bush said that Congress did not act on his Social Security plan, prompting a long and rowdy round of applause from the Dems. It was fabulous!
But once they’d quieted down, he wagged his finger and said that the cost of “entitlements” had not gone away. This got a shorter round of applause fromt he Republicans–which the Dems joined in on! You could almost hear them catching their breath and shrinking back, saying “Oh no–we showed some spine! They could call us fiscally irresponsible! Quick, cheer for this one too!”
The contemporary Democratic Party–snatching cowardice from the jaws of courage.
Yeah, you better hope you don’t get sick, hope you don’t lose your job, hope you don’t fall behind on your mortgage, and hope you don’t get caught in a hurricane.
that I missed the whole freakin’ thing. What happened?
Go to their website for the text and LOTS of refuting facts.
Andy and I also liveblogged. I’m also doing a Leftyblogs perusal for other peopel who love pain.
I would have had my coblogger cover the SOTU but she INSISTED she couldnt watch Bush, so she took City Council and I took SOTU (much to my horror).
Mimi had better appreciate me!!
Charlie, trust you enjoyed this site with the speech. Personally, I had an excellent dinner — mushroom and chestnut soup, shortribs simmered in red wine, apple pie, and French red wine — which I feel did a lot more for the country, and the world, than George Bush ever did. Thanks so much for your write-up, however, it is a breath of fresh air compared with the pabulum served by the MSM. You rock, dude.