As you’ll recall, Pat Robertson warned the residents of Dover, PA – who recently voted out a school board more interested in indoctrination than education – that they shouldn’t expect any help from God if a natural disaster were visited upon their town.
And you thought that was crazy! Now he’s declared that Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s stroke, which has left him in critical condition, is God’s way of telling Sharon that he shouldn’t have withdrawn from Gaza.
As Dave Letterman said while castigating Bill O’Reilly the other night, “Honest to Christ.” Some people have no sense of decency.
UPDATE: The White House has sensibly denounced Robertson’s absurd commentary.
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Robertson wants any excuse to let everybody know that the rapture is on it’s way.. this is simply a means to his own ends. Unfortunately, this carelessness will reverberate throughout the middle east.
what really gets me is evryone should be avoiding him or anything he has to say…but, what i see happening is everyone making a big deal out of it, more infamous/ famous?…but, also making him a bunch more money…