Looks like Tom Reilly pays attention when Andrea Silbert speaks. In reading the coverage of his latest announcement today, he said he is going to make job creation and innovation the centerpiece of our state’s economic agenda.
That’s exactly what Andrea Silbert has been saying since she got into the LG’s race, only she goes further and ties that job creation to getting the state’s revenues back to where they should be to cover housing, education and local aid. Further, she’s got the record of achievement to back that message up.
It is the economy that will need to be addressed first in order to fix the many issues the economy must pay for – that’s why we need a ticket that has Andrea’s real job creation experience.
no disrespect to Silbert, but it’s not exactly an original thought to say that job creation is just what our economy needs…
No disrespect taken on Andrea’s behalf, but if you look at the first paragraph of the Meet Andrea section of her site, which has been up since the summer, it reads: “…Andrea has a practical plan to re-energize Massachusetts through job creation and innovation.”
Pretty much word for word what Reilly said today.
has there ever been a candidate who didn’t make job creation there number one priority?
“More teachers and smaller classes in our schools.” I think 99.9% of all political candidates have used that line, too. So, yeah, it’s usually a flip-flop between schools and jobs.
At least Andrea has proven her dedication to the issue of jobs and economic development. Far more than anyone else and far more than Joe Biden Reilly.
Not too smart to diss a potential running-mate fieldguy
If Silbert ends up being Reilly’s running mate after he picks gabrieli, I would laaaaaauuuughhhh….