First the facts: Conte connected the dots Reilly needed connected and if there is any more media follow-up, the focus now shifts to the behavior of Northborough Police Chief Mark Leahy.
A quick summary of past events for those who need to catch up: Three teenage girls bring alcohol to a house party (no point giving names, we all know the names…but I’m all for stopping the ongoing suffering of the family as much as possible). The driver is apparently drunk. She and her sister are killed in car accident and the friend is seriously injured. The Northborough Police Chief essentially tells the media that he can not get the actual reports to determine if the driver was drunk, because Reilly called DA Conte and told him not to release them because Reilly was a family friend of the dead girlsâ father (who also gave a whopping $300 campaign donation). The implication of this charge is that Reilly used his political influence to obstruct a criminal investigation into whether the hosting laws were broken. Reilly contends he heard the autopsy reports may be made available to a reporter, a violation of the law, and called Conte on his own to remind Conte of the law and in NO WAY did Reilly interfere with an investigation.
The AP story hit the wires airing Leahyâs contention on Wednesday night, right before Reilly had a scheduled appearance on Emily Rooney’s Show on WGBH. By the accounts I read, Reilly in his usual soft-spoken approach, repeating basic talking points, convincing no one.
On Thursday morning, the story hit all the papers and the sh*t was beginning to hit the fan.
Almost simultaneously, the talk radio stations were running with the “Reilly squashes drunk driving investigation” meme, and Mitt and Muffy turn up the heat by contrasting their position on drunk driving (we’re against it) with Reillyâs (he apparently is for drunk driving).
Naturally Reilly is mad and then makes a mistake. He holds an amateurish press conference that was poorly staged (no podium, just Reilly standing in front of a microphone stand in a bare room with reporters stretching their arms toward him to pick up sound) and poorly messaged (âit’s the media’s fault and I think I’m going to cryâ). Reilly sinks further in the Friday morning papers and the talk radio rant is taking a grain of truth and spinning it into huge lies (Reilly can be bought cheap; obstructing justice…).
Finally Conte to the rescue (or for today at least), who takes an infinitely better approach to managing the press circus than Reilly (who is spending a lot more money, both state and campaign dollars, paying people to manage the media than Conte).
Instead of calling a media circus…err media conference and then start whining and crying, Conte gave private press interviews to key press people: the Globe,the Herald, NECN (find clip on the Globe link) and I don’t know who else.
Among the facts Conte gave: Chief Leahy had the toxicology info he needed to determine if the driver was drunk. And most importantly, Chief Leahy could have filed charges on his own, if he wanted. (This is true; any individual can file misdemeanor charges in district court. So if any yahoos want to push this…they can file charges against the “host” of the party and see what happens.)
Conte contends that filing charges against the host would be a stretch and I understand why. If the alcohol was supplied by the “host” of the house, this would be a strong case, but that didn’t happen, the girls brought the booze with them. The other aspect of the law indicates the host can be charged if the host provided a safe haven for the underage kids to drink, which he did. IF the host was in control of the house. And that is a stretch. The “host” was a 20 yr son of the homeowner (who apparently was not home or they would face the “host” charge) and, on the face of it, was not in control of the house…hence the “stretch” Conte referred to.
While not in the stories, I would have to assume if the parents of the 2 girls or the injured girl were pushing Conte (or the police) to file charges, Conte may have “stretched” things and prosecuted. But they didn’t and so Conte didn’t.
So from a substantive point of view, the focus should now be on Chief Leahy. Leahy needs to answer Conte’s charge about already having the information and why, if he thought a crime was committed, did he not file charges…like he is empowered to do? Instead he throws the DA and AG under the bus and potentially gives the Republicans 4 more years of power in the Governorship. Chief Leahy, you got some explaining to do.
But the potential good news here (Conte backs up Reilly and blames the Police Chief) still does not outweigh the damage this has done for Reilly…who will be haunted with this. Nor does the managing of this crisis speak well for Reilly and his people’s ability to handle the big time. They can learn a lesson from Conte.
Sorry after rereading this, I need to elaborate…
The first thing Reilly did wrong (aside from making the call in the first place) was speak to the media when he was mad or emotional. He had every right to feel this way. But, not matter how bad your bleeding, don’t go out there mad…it will show.
His emotions were probably brought to the surface by the constant questions and instant follow up questions that a press conference creates. Have you ever tried to answer questions from a free-for-all of 20 cynics? You better have tough skin and at that moment Reilly did not. So bad call by the Reilly people.
Reilly’s pros can learn something from Conte, the 76 year old media recluse, and brought the reporters in one at a time. Spend a minute of small talk, have them get comfortable and NOT have a situation where a reporter asks a question and then another reporter instantly asks a stinging follow-up question that the first reporter may not have thought of.
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I agree ,The loop must now be closed with Chief Leahy.
Romney and Healey attacked like two rabid dogs. They went after Reilly without any meat on the bone. Shows their desperation that a democratic centrist has tremendous traction. Nice wake up call for Reilly . Actually, a wonderul gift so early in the race. Gets out the kninks and some of the amateurism in his staff.
Notice the Patrick and Mihos went MIA.
As far as this situation goes, I think there are a few layers of interest. The first is the political lesson about/for Reilly. He should not have given himself any sort of role in this horrible situation — I think it demonstrates Reilly’s inability to lead. He’s wrong on gay marriage (or the way he has handled issues relating to it), republican on taxes, and does favors for campaign donors/friends that cause him to intervene in criminal matters. Even with Mihos as an independant candidate in the Gov’s race, I bet that if Reilly gets the nomination he will be unable to pull off a victory.
The facts of this issue are that a nice, young blonde girl got drunk, drove, endangered the lives of two other girls, ultimately killing one of them and seriously injuring the other. I dare say that while this must be unbearingly painful for the families involved, if this was not a politically aware(supporter) families’ suburban drunk driving crash, Reilly would not have intervened, and we could have used this sad event to promote education to prevent future drunk driving crashes. This seemingly well-adjusted family’s loss can be used by other seemingly well-adjusted suburban families to spark conversation about drinking and driving when drunk. Reilly has had a hand in preventing that sort of discussion from happening. Simple.
As far as the political implications: I’m a progressive Democrat who was not about to support Reilly before this issue. If he gets through the primary — I will not support him. The Romney/Healey team is totally right on this issue — while Reilly is doing favors for donors, the rest of the Commonwealth’s citizens are trying to prevent this kind of event from ever happening again. While I think this sad event will not be a big part of the campaign, I think Reilly’s incompetent handlings of every situation he has been presented with thus far will be a theme we see again and again — and if we let establishment beat ability like we did in the 2002 Gov Primary, we will probably see the same results in the general election.