Mark you calendar. Tom Reilly may have figured out how to truly kill his candidacy. As if the pile on evidence wasn’t enough; lack of charisma, Patrick cleaning his clock in the upcoming caucuses, Conti, lack of charisma, AG syndrome, lack of charisma, etc. The chatter at Reilly headquarters must be “How can we blow up generally good coverage from the announcement?”
Rumors out of AG central are that they have struck a deal with Chris Gabrielli. He has money (the one thing Reilly doesn’t need) He’s Italian (good contrast to Murray, who’s … Irish) and he’s…..(Lost before). That might come in handy on election night. “Hey Tom, not to worry, I’ve been through this, you bounce right back.” Way to go Tom! And, as an added bonus, you tick off all the supporters for Murray, Goldberg and Silbert.
worcesterdem says
I had heard rumblings of this late yesterday, as well. I guess it was all abuzz at the Statehouse
If this proves to be true…what a DULL ticket. Gabrieli isn’t Italian…not that it matters though…but he is a two-time loser.
IMHO, Patrick really has no other option but to pair up with someone now. Perhaps we’ll see a Reilly/Gabrieli vs Patrick/Murray?
fieldguy says
Hopefully Deval is more creative if picking a running mate than going with Tim Murray, considering that real job creation experience, public service management and gender balance will be more important in running against Healey than anything.
But, I couldn’t agree more with you that Chris brings nothing to the table at this point in his career.
I’ll recycle what I wrote in December:
reading the posts that Chris Gabrieli might be the LG’s choice for Reilly would tragic, but not b/c Chris is not a good person or a dedicated member of the Dem community. It’s because:
1) He does nothing for ticket balance against Kerry Healey. Only an experienced woman like Andrea Silbert would fit this need.
2) He is a milquetoast campaigner w/ little ability to connect to voters, kind of like Reilly, two of them would be, ahem, less than electric.
3) He doesn’t solve Reilly’s primary voter problem.
4) Reilly doesn’t have a money problem.
5) I’m not sure Chris is electable anymore – he’s pretty much 0 for 2.
6) Chris actually has something to say – if he wants in, he should go for Governor. He could write a check and be candidate tomorrow.
And I’ll add a 7th this year, which I never thought I would, is:
7) Wow, the arrogance on the part of Gabrieli and Reilly in teaming up. What was a bold move in 2002 is a weak move in 2006. Neither necessarily have the primary strength to pull this off. The top tier LG’s candidates Andrea Silbert and Tim Murray are a hell of alot stronger this time around. Add in second-tier candidate, first-tier heiress Deb’s rich friends and it could add up to some heartburn for this potential (self-styled) “dream team.”
ben says
call my cynical, but I’ll believe it when I see it. I’ve heard this one before, in fact, I’m pretty sure either BMG or David Eisenthal had something on it in November … the heat turned up, then faded again.
There’s no argument at all for Gabrieli, makes no sense.
political-inaction says
Why should Patrick choose a running mate before the public gets to speak? Isn’t this some of the same stuff that has pissed off the voters for years?
If Patrick wants to show that he actually gives a hoot (most polite word I could think of) what the voting public thinks he should let the process take care of it. To do otherwise continues the image of the backroom stink.
daclerk says
No one I’ve talked to (in my little world) thinks this is a good idea. I can’t believe that in this day and age, Reilly and his people think this makes sense. I just don’t get it…
We have (arguably) the best LG field in years, with experience in government and the private sector, with proven track records of innovation and creativity, and all Reilly can come up with is this guy? C’mon, Tom. Have you been at the DTC meetings that I’ve heard about? People are excited (or as ecited as they can be in january).
Have you seen how Silbert is raking in the dough and support, how Murray made a decent splash in a short period of time, how Goldberg wants it and has big name endorsements? And you think Gabrieli helps you more? Puh-leeze. Do you fear Murray would win and then you’d be screwed with another white dude on the ticket? (If so, you’ve got a lack of confidence in your own abilities – because Governors get elected on their own, not because of their running mate.) Do you think Silbert would hurt you? (If so, you’re blind to the fact that having a working, suburban mom bashing Healey is A LOT more appealing than having a white pol or white rich dude doing it. Suburban moms elected Romney, remember…)
I just don’t get it…
melbourne says
Or, worse yet, Reilly thinks he needs the money. It’s the only thing that makes sense. He’s looking at Mrs. Thurston Howell on the Rep side and he thinks he needs a sugar daddy. If he’s not confident in his ability to match her dollar for dollar in his own right, and in fact we do need someone with deep pockets to take back the corner office, then isn’t that an argument for Deval Patrick?
jrev says
I’m surprised, I think this is actually a good idea. I just heard about it this morning, but I immediately thought that this would be a very powerful ticket!
They would certainly have a wealth of money and experience. Wouldn’t this be Kerry Healeyâs worst nightmare?
jordhc23 says
Mayor Murray is gaining momentum from powerful supporters in every corner of the state. This support, along with being the only candidate who has solid municipal city experience, would prove to be a great match for either Patrick or Reilly.
Having great experience dealing with the issues that matter to the people of Massachessetts is what will make a winning democratic team come November. Since winning his third consecutive term as Mayor, he has quickly caught up to the other candidates who have been running for much longer.
His experience, his support, his proven fundraising abilities, and his strong base in Central Mass. all make him the strongest candidate in this race.
since1792 says
I heard the same thing too – Gabrielli coming into the race and Murray jumping out to get into the DA race.
Tim should stay in this one.
Deval should/will do the smart thing and let the voters “decide” – and not team up with anyone at this point.
Of course a Patrick / Murray team would be great in my opinion.
annae says
Not to worry…Murray will not be running for DA or County Clerk…he is in to win Lt. Governor’s race and I agree that a Patrick/Murray Ticket would be the biggest breath of political fresh air to sweep down the Pike and 495 in the history of this state…With all due respect to all other candidates, I think cities and towns (not just those inside 128) are ready to be heard at the top of Beacon Hill…and frankly, Mr. Reilly has been a tremendous disappointment thus far as he aligns himself with Romney’s tax rollback, anti-real local aid agenda in order to appear centrist…sad to see..he’s making one mistake after another to the delight of Kerry Murphy Healy…isn’t it ironic that Reilly’s fumbling campaign is fast becoming her best hope of victory?
funkjulez says
Tim Murray has been continually gaining support from many sources, evidenced by his endorsements from numerous state senators and congressmen. He is the only candidate for Lieutenant Governor that has strong ties to Central Massachusetts is Tim Murray and only one who has ties outside of the 495-128 belt who will we able to win the Lieutenant Governor race. Therefore, Tim Murray is the best candidate for Lieutenant Governor.
fieldguy says
State Reps have endorsed three of the LG candidates. It means nothing to any of them, b/c the LG candidates aren’t ones who these folks will work all that hard for. Bottom line, as long as each have some, it’s a wash with voters.
As far a Tim’s reach, there are fewer votes in the Central MA block than there would be with Silbert, who has strength on the Cape, within 128 and in Western MA. Plus, it’s already reliably Democrat, where as the 128 belt and the Cape are not, so a candidate that draws our voters out there, b/c of regional connection or suburban mom connections are our real needs
Finally, Tim’s a white, irish male insider and I just don’t think it helps in the primary and it definitely doesn’t help at all in the general when the opposition is a woman who helped smoke the Ds in the burbs and the cape last time. We need more balance than that.
Therefore, as good a person as Tim is and as bright as his electoral future may be, we need Andrea Silbert for this ticket.
somedem says
Endorsements don’t mean everything I agree. But some turn your head and that’s a good thing. Murray’s legislative endorsements don’t turn my head but what did was the fact that Fall River Mayor Ed Lambert endorsed him. Now, the other LG candidates may have some similar endorsements, I don’t know but they should be taken with a grain of salt.
on the LG, Reilly would be making a huge mistake to go with Gabrielli. He needs a fresh face in they are going to win in 06 and that means letting the current LG field fight it out. The three top-runners, Golberg, Silbert and Murray, all seem to fit the bill for a great addition to the ticket.
frankskeffington says
…one Mayor endorsing another? Particularly when the they fall in the same CD as Jim McGovern (hald of Fall River does) and Murray was McGovern’s campaign manager and no doubt goes back a ways with Lambert?
And why should “similar endorsements” by LG candidates “be taken taken with a grain of salt” and not Murray’s?
sco says
Are you saying that Central MA is reliably Democrat? Shannon O’Brien did not win a single city or town in Worcester County other than Worcester itself in 2002. If I recall correctly, the margin of victory for Romney was the highest in Worcester county than any other except Plymouth. Check it out.