I thought I’d start posting weekly traffic reports so that you can see how many of your fellow citizens are whiling away the hours at Blue Mass. Group. Here’s the last 7 days, according to the good people of statcounter:
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Reality-based commentary on politics.
Those #’s seem pretty impressive: 1,000 unique visitors last Wedesday? Can you give some perspective? Has it been this high for a while or have you grown a lot lately?
For the last couple of months we’ve been around 500-1000 a day, though clearing 1,000 is still relatively unusual (last week I think it was because of the Alito hearings). Here’s a graph of our traffic since we started keeping track over a year ago – as you can see, putting aside a couple of unusual days where for one reason or another we got huge traffic, we’ve had a fairly steady increase over the last year or so. We’re in Google News, which helps a lot.
it’s growing because you switched to SoapBlox đŸ˜›
It was probably because you were on the awesome and amazing Keri Rodrigues Show … I could be wrong though … đŸ˜‰
On NECN. I’m sure that’s helping too. đŸ™‚ Yay BMG.