All right, maybe I was a little harsh on Obama.
So, just to show I can play both sides of this game, let’s play a little headline juxtaposition:
New York Times:
Some Democrats Are Sensing Missed Opportunities
That’s bad! 🙁
Political forecaster Charlie Cook:
“The Democrats do have a real shot at ending the GOP’s control of the House.”
That’s good! 🙂
Democrats beat GOP in general preference for who should control Congress.
That’s good! 🙂
Generic congressional preference polls are worth a bucket of warm spit (margin of error: +/- 5 oz of spittle).
That’s bad. 🙁
The polls are cursed.
That’s bad. 🙁
Etc. etc. But, you know, despair springs eternal when you’re a DC Dem.
Please share widely!
the ideas are starting to churn … just take a look at what Obama and Jay Inslee have put together.
Do the polls contain potassium benzoate?
(who now is hankering for a Frogurt)