So we’ve heard about that sleazy little amendment stuck in by Rep. Don Young (R-AK) in conference committee that would crush Cape Wind.
If you want to know what a complete Abramoff stooge Don Young is, head over to Josh Marshall’s crib, and he’ll tell you all about him.
Hey Alliance, nice company you keep! By the way, has $440,000 been enough for a little midnight lovin’ from Rep. Young?
And for the rest of us, let’s just ask ourselves one question: Why is a Congressman from Alaska deciding what we do with our shore; and more importantly, how we make our energy?
Please share widely!
good thing about Don Young is that during Transportation Committee hearings he will shut the place down if anyone’s cell phone goes off (trust me, I’ve seen it).
The guy is a nut, and by the way, welcome to the wonderful world of conference committees in Washington. I wonder if the Republicans even told the Dems where this one was being held. A few years back Richie Neal and Charlie Rangel literally lead a crusade of Dems trying to find where the Republicans were meeting in the Capitol.
Ah Democracy, where are thou?
don’t forget that our pal Christy Mihos is heavily involved with them.
and that ted kennedy, and bill dulahunt, those anti environmentalists! they’re just pawns in don youngs game. Come on people. Let’s have a little perspective here.
… hero worship notwithstanding.
I don’t know. I’m for the windmill in Hull, it’s owned by the town electric company, and even the one on the southeast expressway, all the power to them, but why is a government subsidy for construction in public water different from ANWR? I think Ted Kennedy might actually be right as a matter of policy on this one.
In every possible way: the energy is clean, and it’s production method does not destroy the immediate environment, any more than ships or lighthouses do.
Are you suggesting that fishing boats shouldn’t be allowed in the waters, because that’s a “government subsidy”? Or that tourism shouldn’t be allowed on the waters, because that’s private industry?
It’s a good use of the commons. I’m all for it.
fishing is a HIGHLY regulated insdustry, regulated by the federal government. Fishers should be so lucky to have the same deal offered Cape Wind.
to be as benign and sustainable as well.
I’ll stand with Ted Kennedy, the fishing community, adequate regulation of public waters, and a healthy skepticism of giving federal subsidies.