Getting out the Vote for Claire Naughton
Getting out the vote is a simple concept, it just takes a lot of work by a lot of people. This is a special election, and turnout will be very very low – there’s not much buzz and not much media coverage. Big newspapers and TV stations don’t cover a state house special election. People who aren’t very politically active aren’t talking about it with their friends the way they would in a presidential election. It’s up to us, the campaign, to remind them that there’s an election coming, that it’s important, and to ask them to vote. The more people working on this, the better a job we’ll do, and the more votes we’ll get.
- If you are in or near the district, or can get to it, please volunteer! We can use you Monday evening and all day Tuesday, the most critical time for winning this kind of election. Directions to the office are on the web site – call ahead to let use know you’re coming.
- If you can’t easily get to the district, but want to help, and live in metro Boston, we’re going to have phone banks all day on both Monday and Tuesday until 8pm, at MassEquality and/or Neighbor to Neighbor. Contact the campaign office and we’ll hook you up with a phone bank.
- Wherever you live, you can contribute to the campaign to fund the costs of the election day GOTV effort.
If you sign up to volunteer online, we’ll be in touch with you. And if you’re in the district on election day, I’ll see you there – say hi!
Tell the campaign you saw this post on Blue Mass Group. There’s very little that can do more for the influence of a state political blog like this, than people from a winning campaign telling other activists that they got volunteers from the blog! Trust me, that’s the way to win respect and influence in politics, when you don’t have millions of dollars.
I had the privilege of meeting Claire Noughton at the Foxborough Caucus on Saturday. She is an amazing woman and I wish her the best of luck on Tuesday.
Its about time we elect a Democrat to that seat!
Thanks! Does that mean you live in Foxboro and I’ll see you tomorrow volunteering on the campaign? đŸ™‚
Wish I could be there to help, unfortunately work interferes. đŸ˜›
Could you make it to the MassEquality phonebank after work? 5-8pm is actually the most important part of the day for phone calls.
I have to be in the Longwood area from 9-1ish, Wellesly for a meeting from 2-4:30 and Cambridge from 6:30 to 9:30 for a class. With travel time included that just isnt going to happen. Best of luck to you.
In the past few weeks, I’ve been raising money from friends across the state for Claire Naughton.
I will be there to get out the vote all day on Tuesday, February 7.
I think we could help bring about an upset victory.
Thank you! Can you bring a friend? đŸ™‚
I’m about to go to a kind supporter’s house nearby, to sleep.
I’ll be at the office all day but if I expect you’ll be out at a polling place or something like that. See you at the election night party!