Here are some verifiable facts:
Check Festa’s continuously updated endorsements from the colleagues whose support the campaign trumpets:
David Linsky – ***deleted***. Is Festa still planning on hiring him if he wins?
Marie St. Fleur – Her financial and legal problems are well-documented. nice to have this law-abiding citizen on board.
former politicos
David Scondras – ***deleted***
Finally, check out the guy Festa represented before the Supreme Judicial Court back in the 1980’s. ***deleted***
Again, with this record, is this the guy we want as a Democratic nominee in the county’s biggest county.
more to follow . . .
Please share widely!
david says
It’s not that hard! All you have to do is enclose the text you want highlighted and the url within square brackets – you don’t even have to use the “a href” html tag if you don’t want to.
Don’t just tell us that these facts are “verifiable.” Verify them!
david says
I’ve taken the regrettable step of deleting those factual assertions in the post that are not supported by links or other evidence (I left in the reference to St. Fleur’s financial problems since they’re all over this blog today). In the future, I will simply delete posts of this kind without advance warning or additional comment.
rep-david-linsky says
I find that I (along with Mike Festa) am being smeared by someone who posts under the name “Fezcheck”. This is a writer who obviously has an axe to grind against my good friend Mike Festa. This is supposed to be a website in which good Democrats and Democratic values are discussed – not a place for gutless anonymous postings. If Mr./Ms. Fezcheck wants to come forward and discuss things — I would be happy to – but let’s not hide behind a clock of anonymity and slander people. That is the height of cowardice. I am not afraid to identify myself — why not you?
Rep. David Linsky
northshoredem says
Rep. Linsky – Thank you for reponding to this yourself. Clearly, “fezcheck” just has an ax to grind, and tried to drag you down along with his/her usual target, Representative Festa.
It seems to me that “fezcheck” or those he or she represents is simply realizing that Mike’s message and experience are resonating with the people of Middlesex County. From what I hear, Mike has really been picking up a lot of grassroots support, and his fundraising has picked up, too. He’s never going to be able to match Barrios’ money, but with the support of good people like you, he won’t have to. If Mike weren’t picking up steam, he wouldn’t be the target of attacks like this.
But again, thank you. It’s great to know that our elected officials are paying attention and taking action!
fezcheck says
I am not sure if I want to emerge behind my “clock of anonymity” (sic) Mr. Linsky. Festa is your friend, which is great. Care to refute anything from the first post in this string? See the new post, where everything is sourced and tell me where I went wrong. Feel free to clarify, especially you failing to file tax returns. And to clear up the job issue,why not just say you will not take a job with the Festa administration??