But before weighing the proâs and conâs of Gabrieli and abandoning the two candidates that have invested so much time and resources building their candidacies, Iâm going to wait a few more days and see just how tough it will be for the Democrats to win in November.
Before Chris Gabrieliâs worries about signatures or getting 15%, his potential rationale to run for Governorâheâs the Democrat that can win in Novemberâmaybe negated by the decision Christy Mihos makes in the days ahead.
March 7th is the legal deadline that will force Mihos to declare whether heâs running as a Republican, taking on Healey in the primary, or as an Independent in Novemberâcreating a three way race that polls and pundits say will give the Democrats will win, no matter who the nominee is.
So if Mihos announces that heâll run as an independentâas expected, whatever wind Gabrieli has on his sails will ebb. But if Mihos takes a run against Healey in the primary, resulting in a two person race in November, some Democrats may want to consider Gabrieli as our standard bearer for the General Election.
He’s never won before — Reilly has, several times in fact.
He’s got zero charisma — Patrick has loads.
He’s off to a very late start and has no organization or infrastructure — the other two have been at this a while and have a lot in place.
Gabrielli is just a rich white guy who hasn’t spent the last few months making ill-advised phone calls and running mate decisions.
So’s Matt Damon. So’s Johnny Damon (all right, he doesn’t live here anymore). Maybe they should run.
The idea that we need a savior from big, bad Kerry Healey is just plain absurd.
Are you serious?
Wow…..I’m sorry, but that’s just silly. Deeply silly.
Gabrielli has nothing to offer. Nada. What, exactly, does he possess–either in qualities or experience–that catapult him over the two Dem candidates we have?
…you make it seem like I’m endorsing Gabrieli. All I’m saying is that I’m one of those dems not thrilled with either the dull Reilly or the man candidate who’s not afraid to talk about new taxes. And all I’m saying is that if Mihos runs as an independent, the fear of either Reilly or Patrick losing decreases substantially. So if Mihos goes the independent route, Gabrieli loses whatever (if any) steam he has.
You can mock Healey if you want, I have. But an unlimited war chest with a cadre of Republican consultants that have proven they can win time and again in Massachusetts is something to fear. I think Healey will break also, but I hardly think plotting out strategy based on the other candidate faltering is a good one.
And one reason that I’m intrigued by Gabrieli is the fact that he has done more to improve education in this state than Reilly or Patrick combined and he has created more jobs by starting a software business and investing in startups, trumping the rhetoric of Reilly and Patrick.
Gabrieli has shortcomings and that’s why I’m not on any bandwagon–or by me just writing about his candidacy make me a supporter in your eyes? In his past campaigns he’s run very sterile basics ads–real consultant driven–with dull music and voice overs that say nothing. He’s said nothing in those campaigns and has to say something to make me interested.
I do think the difference between Gabrieli of the past and today is that he has something to say instead of reminding people that he’s rich.
the problem that we Democrats have had is that we want to take the highest elected official we can recruit and run him or her up the (ideological) middle; stand for nothing and offend no one in the primary, and be a blank slate in the general. After staking no claim to ANY ideology, the Democrat is pasted by the Republicans with the label of “they want to raise your taxes” without our nominee justifying his/her positions. Hell, I’d vote for lower taxes in a vacuum… [This is where my analysis kicks in, and I leave John Walsh out of it.] At one time Reilly certainly fit that safe-up-the-middle mold; up until his self-immolation earlier this month. Now, the centrist knight on the white horse is Chris Gabrieli. Face it- Chris has won as many races as Lois Pines. But hey, at least he’s got money, which won him the 8th Congressional seat back in 1998. What’s that you say, with all his money all he could do was finish sixth- trumping some guy named Alex Rodriguez, and BLANK? This is just another attempt at nominating the same old pseudo-centrist-third-way-milquetoast nominee that has lost us the last three Post-Silber elections. Whatâs Joe-4-Oil doing? Maybe HE’LL save us- [insert sarcasm]. Face it, there is not going to be any Democratic Deus Ex Machina- Deval is by far our best shot.
Lois Pines was elected as a state Senator and served ably and effectively. Gabrielli is a fine man, but he has not been elected to any public office to my knowledge.
I’m with John Walsh on this one. Haven’t dems learned anything from the past four elections in this state (and the past two presidentials)?
Listen, dem candidates must have gusto and honesty! Voters can see right through a phalanx of handlers and operatives to the key candidate. First and foremost they must respect his convictions and believe in his ability (I use the masculine pronoun b/c I think Kerry Romney meets neither of those requirements.) Saying all the right things does not a strong leader make.
This is why Reilly crumbles. This is why Gabrielli could be a wild card (if he weren’t already seen as such an establishment candidate.) This is why Patrick could pull a huge upset.
alright, the last G was a reach, but I was on a little bit of a roll, so hang with me.
(1) Gusto matters
(2) Money matters … (fill in scream of Patrick supporters here) … it does, I hate it, you hate it, but it does matter when you are running against the Federal Treasury, I mean Sean Healey … I mean Kerry AMG. You get the picture
(3) Appealing to a wide swath of voters matters too. I’m with Frank to a degree on this one … the St. Fleur mess disappointed me, although I haven’t jumped ship on the AG, but I don’t think Patrick is 100% the answer either (although, like I’ve said from day one, if hes the nominee Ill be for him in any form that helps)
(4) We ALL make a massive mistake if we think there’s a silver bullet for Dems to win the Corner Office or at the Federal level. It’s not left or center, its not charisma vs. the common man, it’s not more vs. less … its all those things, in different scenarios and for different reasons … basically, we just need to be better all around, and honestly, if we’re choosing between Patrick, Reilly, and Gabrieli, I think we are pretty well off. If Mihos runs as an Indy any of the 3 Musketeers would win, if its only her Heighness from Beverly Farms, I think its the AG, but thats why we have elections. So let’s stop all claiming that one fact seals the deal, wins the election, or solves the crime.
Now that Mihos has gone independent.
…people I talk to aren’t excited about Gabrieli (and they are centralist anti Reilly types). Hopefully Mihos doesn’t implode and runs a creditable enough campaign to take away Healy votes.