Interestingly, Cambridge City Councillor Anthony Galluccio, accused of drunk driving in a Channel 5 news broadcast yesterday by three other drivers who were involved in a four-car accident he caused in December, attended a hearing of the Cambridge Community Mobilizing for Change Around Alcohol program on January 19 of last year. Galluccio was apparently there in his capacity as a member of the City Council’s Health and Environment Committee. According to minutes of the meeting Galluccio “suggested that the Coalition demand free space for prevention advertisement from the MBTA.” Maybe the Turnpike Authority would be a good group for the Coalition to approach as well.
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Actually, better to demand limited overnight train service. A “preventative ad” won’t stop the arrogant fool from taking his car out at 3 AM, but the availability of a train might.
What a waste of time. We all live here, we all know how trains work, we don’t need ads, we need action.
(yeah, I ignored the hypocracy aspect).
I’m with the previous poster… it’s ludicrous how early our public transport systems stop working.
How about stopping them at 2:30 AM to give people time to stumble home from the bars instead of driving home in their cars?
That would do much more to stop drunk driving than stupid ads on the T.
It seems to make sense that trains & buses would get the drunks home safely… some drunk might tell himself he doesn’t have the cash for taxi, but he should be able to pay $1.25 for the MBTA.
Some economics grad student should do a study of DUIs in metropolitan areas with and without late night service.