Today’s Herald has several pieces worth checking out.
This terrific story about the fact that Mitt Romney has been outsourcing Massachusetts jobs to – get this – Utah. [Insert your own joke here.]
This story on Middlesex DA candidate Gerry Leone’s numerous media appearances discussing the Entwistle murders – which he could be responsible for prosecuting if he wins his race. According to the article, Jarrett Barrios has described Leone’s commentaries as “improper and unprofessional.” Current Middlesex DA Martha Coakley, however, says there’s nothing wrong with it.
This article, and a column by Howie Carr (reg. req’d), on the fact that Massport continues to serve as the dumping ground for well-connected hacks who want to make a nice salary.
Wayne Woodlief (reg. req’d) on Christy Mihos’s decision whether to run as a Republican or an independent.
Ginny Buckingham (reg. req’d) on the UAE/ports deal. Buckingham is a long-time Republican shill and therefore takes unnecessary potshots at Senate Democrats (failing to note, for example, that her own party’s Senate leader Bill Frist is also squawking about the deal), but she makes some valid points about port security in general and adds some interesting details about the extent to which foreign interests control Boston-area ports (even though Boston is not one of the ports involved in the UAE deal).
Give the Globe some credit for breaking the St. Fleuriasco story. Nonetheless, is it just me, or does it seem that the Herald’s coverage of local politics, which has long been at least on par with the Globe’s, has recently been consistently much more interesting?
So let me get this straight, Senator Barrios is complaining that another politician is talking too much to the press?
He is the biggest media whore in the State House!
He must be jealous.
I’m sorry, but taking security advice from Ginny Buckingham is like taking zeppelin flying lessons from the pilot of the Hindenburg.
Is Christy for real?
He says was never handed anything?
How about a few dozen convenience stores which he multiplied.
Earth to Christy