Hotline, the daily blog of the National Journal recently did a rundown of who they view as the up and comerâs of Massachusetts politics. Iâm disappointed with their choices.
Skewed with way to many Republicans, they are mostly has beens, âshoulda coulda wouldaâ types, sprinkled with a few new faces. Inside the beltway people trying to tell us locals who to watch out for.
Except for Jarrett Barrios and Martha Coakley, no one on the list is trying a move up. (And what wart are they talking about with Barrios?) Although Sam Yoon gets a pass because he was just got elected City Councilor and a couple of Republicans…Brown, for example may run this year. But for the most part, it’s the same names that are always thinking about running but never do. (None of the current LG wannabees are listed.)
I can think of a few folks who should be on the list, especially if Kerry runs for President again, creating an open Senate seat, which will cause a seismic change in MA politics. (I donât think Kerry will run for President, but Iâm not convinced heâll run for reelection in â08 either.)
But what can you expect from a non-local assessment?
You’re right your view that the list just doesn’t make sense and is very “dated.” It seems to rely on names put forward last cycle and has not been updated to reflect today’s political realities.
I agree that the LG candidates (and particulalry Silbert and Murray due to their age) will propel themselves into the forefront of the Dems’ “up-and-comer” list. Picture it: if Silbert wins, and the Dems win in November, then she’s our heir apparent in 8 years, right? Same with Murray. And the loser of those is automatically in the upper-tier of young prospects for positions like Congress, State Senate, maybe even US Senate (except I don’t think either of them is personally wealthy – a pre-requisite for running for US Senate these days, unfortunately…)
I think Deb Goldberg is probably done after this race if she loses, because while she could run for Barney’s seat someday, there are so many people lined up for that it’s not even funny. (Creem, Jacques(!?), Harkins, Koutoujian…)
Coakley is definitely next in the Harshbarger-Reilly line of DA-AG-Gov candidates, isn’t she? She could have an advantiage over a Murray or a Silbert in 8 years because of her political base she’ll build up as AG.
What about Tim Cahill? He has to be included in that list of up and comers as well. He’s building a statewide organization, hasn’t effed up in his 4 years (with a few minor arcane exceptions). And he was underestimated when he won, so he may be underestimated again. With all that lottery money to dole out, he can build a solid network of local officials to support him for Gov or Senate someday. Or maybe US House when Delahunt retires?
Barrios? Definitely high potential. Even if he doesn’t make it in the DA’s race (but he could given his $$), he’s still young and could make a splash in 10 years (Congress? Senate?) after hunkering down, making some $$ and being a man about town on the downtown scene.
Those are just some of the names, there are a ton more I know.