How has Reilly been nothing but a politician, who makes calculated decisions based on political gain…let me count the ways!
First is the issue of the Death Penalty. It’s Friday, so I think he’s in favor of the Death Penalty today. I believe he was in favor of it as a DA, then opposed to in when first running for AGâin a liberal Democratic Primary and now supports Romney’s lame Death Penalty plan. He may not have changed his opinions for political reasons but usually swings on an issue like the death penalty are political decisions. (I’d certainly love to hear him make sense of his life time progressionâand regression–on this issue.)
And of course he was against gay marriage before he was in favor of gay marriage (way before he let the anti-gay marriage folks move ahead with a ballot question–but I do see that as a different issue). Iâm suggesting his switch to a more pro-gay marriage platform (I admit, I’m unclear of his exact position) had more to do with his desire to run for Governor in Democratic Primary, then any personal change of opinion.
What about his support for a roll back in the income tax, nothing but a pandering political move to trump Healy and the right wing. State and local governments are bleeding red or have their infrastructure crumbling and he thinks it’s a good idea to lower the income tax. No, I think his political people think it was a good idea and he went along with it because he thought it would help him politically.
And the Conte Call really was a very subtle political move that was a “wink” to make sure this case goes away. Everyone knows that Conte gives the press nothing. And after 30 years as DA, Conte certainly knows that medical reports are not public documents. So Reilly’s call to state the obvious to a person who knows the obvious was a classic political message that really sent the message to make this go away.
Then the Gabreili / St. Fleur folly. Reilly had been plotting to have Gabreili on the ticket, with all his money, for a month. They even made the political move of doing a poll for crying out load.
But gee, considering a rich person for LG and then choosing a black woman had NOTHING to do with politics…PLEASE, did we all fall off the turnip truck yesterday?
So let’s not buy into a potential “I’m not a politician” BS. Reilly has a long documented history of making decisions based on politics. He makes political decisions everyday.
He just doesn’t make good ones.
In this state, you don’t become DA then AG without knowing how to play the “politics” game.
Another thing, he makes “politics” sound like such a dirty word when it shouldn’t be…as if he should be above all this and has never taken part in “politicing”.
This guy is 63 years old. If he doesn’t know how to play “politics” by now then, Mr. Friday it is time to retire. Imagine what the State Rep. from Upton will do to him….nevermind Trav or Sal…hehehehe.
It’s DEVAL TIME baby and deep down …. WE ALL KNOW IT!!!
Reilly is such the politician and is trying a GOP strategy. I am laughing about this whole thing, not his strong suit, OMG. SO I am thinking…..Reilly should leave the democratic party and run as an independent. He wont have to mess with the convention, or the primary he can save all his money and energy for the November election and focus on whomever he feels is his biggest threat (other than himself).
OHHHHH but he can’t, or won’t. He needs the democratric party and us democrats(because he is not political). He needs our money, our voters and more importantly ability to carry out a ground game.
It is going to be a fun 7 months…….
I think Trav is in his back pocket but Sal would eat him alive