I just wanted to get people’s take on the State Committee meeting last Wednesday in Newton. Galvin seemed to be on fire that day but maybe that’s just my take… also what was up with Johnston forgetting to mention Andrea Silbert AGAIN?
Please share widely!
Bottom line on Bill Galvin, he’s really a great speaker when he gets passionate about something, and otherwise sounds like a garden-variety politician. As I mentioned before, John Bonifaz managed to push one or more of Galvin’s buttons in his speech, and this seemed to get Galvin into “hot” mode.
Andrea Silbert was a late arrival, which is probably why Phil Johnston missed her. Deb Goldberg and Sam Kelley had been working the crowd for about an hour when Phil did the introductions on the candidates. I had not noticed Andrea come in, myself, and I was surprised when he mentioned her.
…have seen Galvin speak after Bonifaz spoke before him (and attacked Galvin)…WOW, Galvin not only plastered Bonifaz, but gave a hell of a speech packed with traditional Democratic applause lines. The only problem I had with Galvin’s speech is that it wasn’t for Governor.
at the convention last May? He didn’t really seem like he wanted the job. Maybe he didn’t.
He likes the job he has, and he wants to keep it. That’s probably why Bonifaz has got him so fired up. It’s actually probably great for Galvin that he’s got an opponent.