Sometime early Friday morning our 200,000th unique visitor stopped by Blue Mass. Group.
It took us ten and a half months to hit 100,000 uniques. It took us only four more months to get to 200,000. Now that’s a trend I can live with! Thanks again to everyone who reads, comments, posts, lurks, whatever, at this site. You’re why we’re doing it.
Please share widely!
Thanks for doing what you’re doing. It’s a great service to democracy!
Just to remind folks: this does not mean that 200,000 unique individuals have visited the site.
I think the “terms of art” that we use for numbers of readers are frankly BS… but don’t ask me what to replace it with.
these are the same terms that every site on the internet uses. A “unique visitor” is someone who either is visiting for the first time, or is returning to the site after being away for a couple of hours. It is all based on a cookie placed on the visitor’s computer by statcounter. Readers who bar cookies from their computer, or who read the site only via the RSS feed, cannot be counted at all, so it’s likely that our actual readership is larger than statcounter can measure.