If you first heard of this site from today’s Boston Herald article by Kimberly Atkins and have stopped by to check us out, welcome!
Our posts on the Chris Gabrieli issue, discussed in Atkins’s article, are here and here. You might also be interested in our caucus open thread, which generated over 100 reports from all over the state on what was happening on caucus day earlier this month – that set of comments was, and I believe still is, the best publicly available single source of information on what happened in which caucuses.
Take a look around and tell us what you see, what you like, what you don’t like – you can leave comments or write your own posts if you create a free account using the link in the “Menu” box in the upper left hand corner of the screen. And come back soon!
Just out of curiousity, are you actually experiencing an increase in traffic today? The Herald didn’t hyperlink your URL in their article, which I imagine lowers the potential for click-throughs.
so far traffic seems pretty much on track for a normal Tuesday. But there’s still time for us to be flooded by Herald readers!