I figured this blog would be exploding with commentary regarding the democratic party’s somewhat dispicable move of pulling all backing from Ohio senatorial candidate Paul Hackett. Hackett, an honorable Iraq war vet, seemed to be exactly the kind of passionate, charismatic, down to earth guy the democratic party needs to regain its credibility and national fortitude. Unfortunately, some of our senior leaders think otherwise, by reneging on a promise made to him, and backing another candidate whom they believe may serve their purposes better.
Consider this: even FOXNEWS said Hackett is the kind of guy Republicans don’t want in the Senate, and derided democrats for beating down yet another rising star. If FoxNews says they don’t want him in office, that means WE do.
Any thoughts? It definitely concerns me when Cavuto is saying that Dems are making more foolish political moves against the interest of the party. I hope some people have been following this fairly discouraging story.
I, for one am very disappointed in this turn of events. Even though I am proud of his integrity for not running a congressional race, I am dismayed on of the house candidates hasn’t stepped up to the plate. From here, Ohio needs lotsa help.
David Sirota has been covering the Hackett/Brown feud for a while now.
Regardless of how this course of events played out, it looks like Ohio Dems are still in good hands with Sherrod Brown.
The Democrat’s Leadership: Their Actions Speak Louder than Words
The dumping of Paul Hackett is political cronyism at its worst. It is not democratic. It makes the democratic party look like the competition-dictatorial. Instead of having a fair primary, pressure is exerted to eliminate the competition. The democrats are showing the country they are no better than the Republicans. Here is a decent man, a veteran, someone who the party can be proud of,
who nearly beat a Republican in the last election, and the party is turning on him. Whatever democratic powermonger was at the bottom of this must have a great deal of pull within the party. This closed door type of underhanded politics is Bush-league. Those of you who pull stunts like
this should be purged from this party and join King George because that is where you belong. Folks, vote against this type of behavior with your money. No more democratic party donations from me. Henceforth, all donations will be to individuals. Veterans, what does it tell you when a
decent man gets treated unfairly. Do you think the democratic party can be trusted to stand by you when they treat one of your own like this?
The interests of the party might dictate unity in the primary. But democracy demands that anyone who wants to play, should be able to.
If I heard Chuck Schumer spoke to Hackett and explained, hey, we have a good horse (one that DIDN’T get in the race so Hackett did, only to change his mind!), and Hackett decided to stay in the race anyway, that would be fine. But to have a party leader, someone with considerable clout, decide that the voters in the Ohio Dem primary shouldn’t decide who the nominee is (and perhaps Sherrod is a great candidate!) by undermining (if indeed Schumer did) that candidate’s ability to run his race, it might be legal, but it ain’t good for the party.
Frankly, I would prefer seeing Hackett in the race and losing. Guess why? It gives Hackett more experience. It gives his supporters a chance to also gain more experience. So then the next race comes along, and we have more people who can do the job. At the worse case, you have begun rebuilding the infrastructure…