This weekend’s excellent Democratic political campaign training sessions, held at the Crowne Plaza in Worcester, featured facinating expert panels, a large turnout of the Democrat faithful and eight(8) breakfasts, lunches and coffee breaks sponsored by eight (8) current statewide candidates starting off with Tom Reilly and including Senator Kennedy, Deb Goldberg, Tim Murray, Sam Kelley, Bill Galvin, Martha Coakley and Andrea Silbert. Noticably absent from the sponsors was the recent Democratic gubernatorial caucus winner Deval Patrick.
Pericles and many others wondered why the Patrick campaign was not sponsoring a coffee break or breakfast or luncheon. If the Patrick campaign was invited to be a sponsor and thereby post many signs and pass out brochures and speak to the entire group as did the other statewide candidates and passed up the chance then they missed a great opportunity to address the active and eager Democratic faithful. On the other hand, if the Patrick campaign was not invited to be a sponsor at this highly visible and important Democratic event then the Democratic Campaign Institute poorly served the Democratic party and should apologize.
Its hard to believe that the savvy and active Patrick organtization would pass up such an opportunity – but you never know. Pericles wonders if anyone can comment and clear this matter up?
From what I understand, the savvy and active Patrick organization did indeed pass up such an opportunity. I was dissapointed not to see them there, but I guess they figured they already had enough of a presense among activist types that they’d save their money and not sponsor a table.
in Worcester this weekend. Anyone think the Reilly campaign picked up many supporters or much money at DCI? IMHO the Patrick campaign had better things to do with its time and resources.
the party tells me that all statewide candidates were invited to DCI.
I attended the DCI a couple of years ago, and it was only useful to first time candidates and their manangers. Experienced party operatives need not attend. But more to the point, this is the kind of regiment that the party has to get away from. Patrick did not attend? Maybe he’s running his own campaign field institute. Sounds like we should be attending his.
it was that time/resources management are crucial. If I had to guess, I’d say that 90% of the people that attend the DCI events know with a high degree of certainty who they’re supporting at this point. THe Patrick campaign’s resource are better spent on people who still don’t know his name, rather than people who already are either committed to him, or committed to Riley.
I was somewhat bemused that Teddy “Unopposed” Kennedy had a table there. He clearly reached Keith Hernandez status (to borrow from Seinfeld/Bill Simmons) a long time ago. Why did he have a tale there? Because he’s Ted Kennedy, b*tch.
I have diet coke all over my laptop! LOL What a t-shirt that would make. đŸ™‚
I think the Kennedy thing had more to do with giving his campaign manager, and great-nephew Matt some stumping experience. I sat at the next table from him and watched him either pray, or practice his speech silently to himself while Chairman Johnston introduced him. It was very charming.
Nuff said