The Globe reports today: “Cambridge city councilor Anthony Galluccio faces a probable-cause hearing next month to determine whether there is enough evidence to charge him with drunken driving in connection with a December accident in which witnesses say he caused a four-car wreck and appeared to be severely intoxicated.”
The article describes a bit of plaintive CYA-ing by the Police (“Boston police spokesman Michael McCarthy … defended the amount of time it took police to finish their investigation and denied an allegation … that the police inquiry was launched only after media reports about the accident,” — even though, in fact, the inquiry appears to have been launched only after Channel 5 started poking around), and the mysterious Peter is identified as one Peter Manderino (also apparently identified in an article in early March in the Cambridge Chronicle).
More significant, in MHO it is looking increasingly unlikely that Galluccio will be able to win this seat if he faces a determined challenge from a credible well-financed opponent. I don’t know anything about the several candidates who have jumped into this race following the revelations of Galluccio’s criminal past. We’ll try to get on that for you all, and if any of the candidates are reading this — or any readers know them — we invite them to post some information about their campaigns or contact us for an interview.