No one in Boston does 500-point headlines like the Herald. Today, they used that technique to brilliant effect:
Good question. Waddaya say, bishops?
The Herald’s editorial page chimed in with this good piece, entitled “No need to cave to bishops’ tactics,” urging legislators not to provide the legal exemption the bishops want. And a Herald story reports that, thankfully, both Trav and DiMasi are distinctly cool to the pathetic Romney’s stated intention to file a bill creating such an exemption.
Finally, the Herald ran this photograph of one of those kids that the bishops are supposedly so terribly concerned about:
Now, bear in mind that the Vatican has issued a document proclaiming that allowing a gay couple to adopt kids “would actually mean doing violence to these children.” Yup, the kid in that photograph sure looks like a victim of violence to me.
The Catholic Church has a right to its opinion and in this instance the hierarchy has determined that it no longer wants to engage in civil affairs that force secular beliefs and mores on their institutions and force them to be compliant with activities they deem violative of their religious principles. How can you have a problem with that? Even if you disagree with the Catholic Church and what it stands for, you do respect the right of people to believe that in their realm such activity is “immoral” and that they are not to be discriminated against because of sincerely held beliefs!
the church does have a right to its opinion just like I, as a catholic hase my right to have a pro choice opinion and you know how my church embraces that. I am wondering if the catholic church will now embrace pro choice…..
Sorry dude, no clue what you mean, except take your pro-choice opinion and leave it outside or do what most Catholics do and say “I’m Catholic” and don’t go to church and believe their own “stuff”-in any event, don’t let the door hit you in the you know what as you leave the church-stop complaining, goodbye and go somewhere else for your spiritual guidance if you even deem such necessary.