Tue, 03/21/2006 – 7:30pm
St. John’s United Methodist Church, 80 Mt. Auburn Street, Watertown
Will Iran be the next target in the Bush administration’s war on terror? What is the history of U.S. policy toward Iran? What is Iran’s nuclear capacity? Is Iran a threat to the U.S?
These and many other questions will be discussed TONIGHT at a community forum featuring Joseph Gerson and John Tirman.
Free and open to the public. Sponsored by Watertown Citizens for Environmental Safety (WCES) — Watertown’s voice for peace, the environment, and social justice.
Speaker bios:
Joseph Gerson, Ph.D. has worked with the American Friends Service Committee since 1976 and is currently Program Director for AFSC’s New England Regional Office. His organizing efforts and publications focus on U.S. global hegemony, particularly in the Middle East and Asia-Pacific.
John Tirman, Ph.D. is Executive Director of MIT’s Center for International Studies. He has authored, co-authored, or edited six books on international security issues. Dr. Tirman served as program director of the Social Science Research Council and executive director of the Winston Foundation for World Peace.