Jon Keller, the always-opinionated and always-interesting political analyst for Channel 4, has started his own blog. Today he has some quick reactions to the CBS4 poll noted below, as well as a couple of posts on an incident in North Carolina that I frankly hadn’t heard about. We’ve added it to the blogroll – it’ll be one of our daily reads, and it should be one of yours too.
Welcome to the blogosphere, Jon!
Please share widely!
bob-neer says
Welcome, Jon. Excellent, excellent. I have just one question, as it were: what are “the tough questions” that M. Keller is supposed to ask, according to the blog’s blurb. Is this a specific set of questions (perhaps the ones suggested for North Carolina’s “pit jihadist”), some other questions (implying that the ones suggested for Taheriazar are not “the” questions, but just some other questions), or possibly a grammatical mistake, marketing hyperbole, or some other misque. Inquiring minds must know. I, personally, would also like to know what “the tough questions” are, so that I can put them to good use.
susan-m says
On the top right corner. They have thumbnails to scroll through. Check out, “First Mini-Debate between Reilly and Patrick. The clip is pretty standard stump speech stuff until right at the end:
(Talking about which candidate is more “independent.”)
Jon Keller: You guys sound pretty much the same.
Deval Patrick: We’ll work that out at the debates.
Tom Reilly: We don’t need any debates.
Deval Patrick: (laughs) Oh, yes we do.
Me: I’ll say we do. đŸ™‚